Luke 2:21-51 – Take Me Out To The Temple

We can conclude at least two things from these observations: 1. Joseph and Mary were eager to perform everything required of them by the letter of the Jewish law. 2. Joseph and Mary were excited to promote the spirit of the Jewish law. In other words, these events were more than religious rituals in their family. They approached them in ways that spoke of their relationship to God. They didn’t just pay attention to the calendar; they saw these days as opportunities to celebrate. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Luke 1:57-80 – Customs Check

Churches – all Churches – have customs and ceremonies. Even those who are trying to become more ‘contemporary’ do so by instituting new customs and ceremonies. We want people to go away fearing God, marveling and discussing the things that occurred with their families and friends. We can learn some things about the power or powerlessness of our customs as we search through these verses. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)