Isaiah 66:1-24 – The Remains Of The Day (Of The Lord)

Human remains from the battles of the Great Tribulation will be visible in the Millennial Kingdom.

Isaiah 66:1-24
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: The Millennium Forecast (Isaiah)

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Isaiah 65:1-25 – Only The Bad Die Young

In the future Kingdom of God on Earth, “anyone a hundred years old will be considered young, and to die younger than that will be considered a curse.”

There are a number of views on the End Times, and views within those views. A few of them have substance in that you can see how scholars arrived at them from the Bible itself. I’ve told you before that, officially, Calvary Chapel’s End Times teaching is PreMillennial PreTribulation Dispensational Futurism.

Isaiah 65:1-25
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: The Millennium Forecast (Isaiah)

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Isaiah 63:7-64:12 – One ClayNation, Under God, Impressionable

Isaiah illustrates God’s involvement with nations as a potter working with impressionable clay.

Certain aggressive but disturbing theologies teach that the Master Potter makes some ‘people-pottery’ that will definitely be saved, AND He makes some ‘people-pottery’ that cannot be saved. If you object to that awful depiction of God, they will look at you with their cold, steely eyes and say three words they believe will render you subdued and compliant: “God is sovereign.”

Of course God is sovereign! His sovereignty doesn’t mean God can behave in ways that are contrary to His nature. If something would be immoral for us to do, how much more terrible if God does it?

That approach to sovereignty reminds me of the famous Richard Nixon quote, “When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.”

Isaiah 63:7-64:12
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: The Millennium Forecast (Isaiah)

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Isaiah 63:1-6 – A Crush To Judgment

Jesus’ robe will be stained red with the blood of Israel’s enemies when He crushes them like grapes in a wine press at His Second Coming.

Isaiah 63:1-6
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: The Millennium Forecast (Isaiah)

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Isaiah 62:1-12 – You Can Take The Jew Out Of Zion, But You Can’t Take Zion Out Of The Jew

Isaiah cannot contain his excitement about the Jews’ future life in Zion in the Kingdom of God on Earth.

Isaiah 62:1-12
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: The Millennium Forecast (Isaiah)

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Isaiah 61:1-11 – The Man From U.N.C.T.I.O.N.

When Jesus came taking the form of a bondservant, in the likeness of a man, He required and received the Holy Spirit’s anointing, sometimes called unction.

Isaiah 61:1-11
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: The Millennium Forecast (Isaiah)

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Isaiah 60:1-22 – When The Moon Can’t Be Seen ‘Cuz You Outshine The Sun, That’s Agape!

The Lord promises believers that we will outshine the sun with His glory.

Isaiah 60:1-22
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: The Millennium Forecast (Isaiah)

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Isaiah 59:1-21 – Truth, Justice, And The Armageddon Way

Isaiah broadcasts that all Israel will be saved.

Isaiah 59:1-21
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: The Millennium Forecast (Isaiah)

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Isaiah 58:1-14 – Bad Religion

The LORD exposes the bad motives of the Jews in observing the religious rituals of fasting and the Sabbath.

Isaiah 58:1-14
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: The Millennium Forecast (Isaiah)

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Isaiah 56:9-57:21 – Judah, Don’t Take Your Love To Crowns

The Jews in Judah are portrayed as perfumed prostitutes who prefer Gentile kings.

Isaiah 56:9-57:21
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: The Millennium Forecast (Isaiah)

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Isaiah 56:1-8 – My House, My Rules

Jesus takes us on a tour of the Millennial Temple, His House of Prayer, and surprises us with a few details we weren’t expecting.

Isaiah 56:1-8
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: The Millennium Forecast (Isaiah)

Find the rest of this series at
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Isaiah 55:1-13 – Sinner, Sinner, Come To Dinner

Jesus issues an open invitation for believing sinners to enjoy fellowship with Him as if it is a dinner.

Isaiah 55:1-13
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: The Millennium Forecast (Isaiah)

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Isaiah 54:1-17 – I Now Announce Us Husband And Wife

The LORD tells the nation of Israel what He has in store for her as His wife.

Isaiah 54:1-17
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: The Millennium Forecast (Isaiah)

Find the rest of this series at
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Isaiah 53:10-12 – Spoiler Alert

Jesus shares His spoils with the kings and nations of Earth, and He spoils us.

Isaiah 53:10-12
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: The Millennium Forecast (Isaiah)

Find the rest of this series at
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Isaiah 53:7-9 – If He’s Silent Like A Lamb And Slaughtered Like A Lamb…

Isaiah tells future Jews to expect their Messiah to be like the lamb he describes.

Isaiah 53:7-9
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: The Millennium Forecast (Isaiah)

Find the rest of this series at
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Isaiah 52:13-15 – Come And Sing A Suffering Servant’s Song Of Sprinkling

Isaiah describes the Messiah in a song considered by many the crowning jewel of the Old Testament.

Isaiah 52:13-15
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: The Millennium Forecast (Isaiah)

Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at

Isaiah 52:1-12 – Jesus Wants To Keep You Barefoot And Preaching

Isaiah directs our attention to the beautiful feet of him who brings Good News.

Isaiah 52:1-12
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: The Millennium Forecast (Isaiah)

Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at

Isaiah 51:1-23 – Don’t He Make You Wanna Go Home?

Listening to the LORD describe Israel’s future stirs up an eagerness in Isaiah to go home.

Isaiah 51:1-23
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: The Millennium Forecast (Isaiah)

Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at

Did God Forsake Jesus On The Cross?

The question is: Did God the Father turn His back and forsake Jesus on the cross?

Pastor Gene Pensiero offers some thoughts and Scripture on this issue during a study in Isaiah 50 and Psalm 22.

Find many more Q&A’s and send in your own question at

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Isaiah 49:1-26 – Who Is That Marked Man? It’s The Lone Savior!

The unnamed Servant tells Israel that He has inscriptions of them on the palms of His hands.

Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: The Millennium Forecast (Isaiah)

Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates, visit

Isaiah 48:1-22 – Rebel, Rebel, How Could You Know? Cyrus, I Love Him So.

The LORD makes the astonishing reveal that He loves King Cyrus of Persia who will set Israel free to return to and rebuild Jerusalem.

Isaiah 48:1-22
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 47:1-15 – My Bare Lady

Babylon calls herself “The Lady of Kingdoms,” but Isaiah predicted they would be conquered and their “nakedness uncovered.”

Isaiah 47:1-15
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 46:1-13 – You’ll Never Be God’s Beast Of Burden

Impotent idols weigh down their followers while Jesus relieves our burdens by carrying us from womb to tomb.

Isaiah 46:1-13
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 45:1-25 – Israel Won’t Be A Thing If It Ain’t Got This King

God chose a pagan king to deliver Israel from captivity and return them to Jerusalem.

Isaiah 45:1-25
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 44:21-28 – Just When You Thought Israel Was Out, God Pulls Them Back In

The LORD promises to always reinstate His redeemed servants. Is our emphasizing the grace of God’s faithfulness in our faithlessness too easy?

Isaiah 44:21-28
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 44:1-20 – God Is A Name Changer

The LORD calls His chosen people “Jeshurun” for the first time since Moses was alive.

Isaiah 44:1-20
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 42:18-25 – I Got A Fury And The Only Prescription Is More Captivity

God explains to Judah that on account of His fury with them that He would raise-up Babylon as their conqueror and captors.

Isaiah 42:18-25
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 41:1-29 – Against All gods

Our Almighty God issues a challenge to the gods behind the idols of the nations.

Isaiah 41:1-29
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 40:12-31 – You’ve Got To Ask Yourself One Question: Do I Feel Awestruck? Well, Do Ya, Pal?

Our God is the awesome God!

Isaiah 40:12-31
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 40:1-11 – Hey Judah, Let Me Into Your Heart, Then I Can Start To Make It Better

Isaiah delivers the joyful news to the southern kingdom of Judah that God intends to comfort them.

Isaiah 40:1-11
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 38-39 – Carry Off My Wayward Sons

Given 15 additional years to live, Hezekiah commits a serious foreign policy blunder that will result in some of his sons being carried off to Babylon.

Isaiah 38-38
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 37:21-38 – My God’s Better Than Your gods, My God’s Better Than Yours

The King of Assyria boasted he was more powerful than the all the gods of the nations, but he would soon discover the LORD alone is God.

Isaiah 37:21-38
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 37:1-20 – Fearful Days Are Gone, He’s-a-Goin’ Home, Sennacherib Just-a Wrote Me A Letter

The LORD sends a spirit to influence King Sennacherib of Assyria to return home to Nineveh.

Isaiah 37:1-20
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 36:1-22 – Adding Insult To Invasion

The commander of the invading Assyrian army mocks and insults the Jews, which drives them to repentance.

Isaiah 36:1-22
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 35:1-10 – Holy Rollin’ Down The Highway

The Lord will construct the Highway of Holiness to accommodate pilgrims visiting Jerusalem during the one-thousand year Kingdom on Earth.

Isaiah 35:1-10
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 33:1-24 – To What Do I Owe The Treasure?

The LORD tells His people that they possess in Him incredible spiritual treasure.

Isaiah 33
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 31-32 – The Real Housewives Of Jerusalem

Isaiah warns the women of Jerusalem about their spiritual complacency.

Isaiah 31-32
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 29:1-24 – Random Facts On Blindness

The LORD diagnoses Israel with spiritual blindness and discusses how she got that way.

Isaiah 29:1-24
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 28:1-29 – Hasting Away Again In Drunken Leaderville

Israel’s leaders are drunkards who act hastily, trusting the world rather than the LORD.

Isaiah 28:1-29
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 27:1-13 – Mean Old Leviathan Caused Me To Weep And Moan

The LORD identifies Satan with the monstrous Leviathan.

Isaiah 27:1-13
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 26:1-21 – If You’re Livin’ In Trouble, You Came To The Right Peace

Jesus promises Jewish & Gentile believers that in the Tribulation, they can know His perfect peace.

Isaiah 26:1-21
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 25:1-12 – You Take My Death Away

In the end, God will swallow up death forever, and will wipe away tears from all faces.

Isaiah 25:1-12
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 24:1-23 – But Why Is The Mirth Gone?

The despair unbelievers experience in the Great Tribulation is illustrated by Isaiah saying, “The mirth of the tambourine ceases, The noise of the jubilant ends, They shall not drink wine with a song, All joy is darkened, The mirth of the land is gone.”

Isaiah 24:1-23
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 23:1-18 – Goodness, Gracious, Great Falls Of Tyre

The city of Tyre comes under God’s judgment, not once, but several times.

Isaiah 23:1-18
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 21:1-22:25 – They Wanna Mock The Lord All Night And Party Every Day

Jerusalem acted just like Babylon, mocking God and reveling when they ought to be repenting.

Isaiah 21:1-22:25
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 18:1-20:6 – Have I Got Nude For You

Isaiah preaches naked to dramatize the news that Egypt and Ethiopia will be taken captive as slaves.

Isaiah 18:1-20:6
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 14:24-17:14 – The Purpose Driven Nations

Isaiah reveals what he calls the purpose God purposed for certain nations involved with Israel and Judah.

Isaiah 14:24-17:14
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 13:1-14:23 – Lucifer In The Sky With Delusions

Lucifer is cast from Heaven having delusions that he can be like God.

Isaiah 13:1-14:23
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 11:1-12:6 – I Am Root

The Bible illustrates the truth that Jesus is both the ancestor and the descendant of Israel’s King David by calling him the root and the shoot.

Isaiah 11:1-12:6
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 10:5-34 – All Nations Under God, Illuminated, With Liberty And Jesus For All

We are afforded a behind-the-scenes look at God’s rule over the Gentile nations of the Earth, and His plan to save them through the witness of Israel.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 9:1-10:4 – Talk To The Outstretched Hand

Isaiah expresses God’s loving discipline of the Jews in the repeated phrase, “For all this His anger is not turned away, But His hand is stretched out still.”

Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 8:1-22 – It’s All Signs And Names Until Somebody Invades

Isaiah is promised a second son whose name will be a second sign of the future Assyrian invasion.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 7:1-25 – The King Ahaz Virgin Of The Bible

Bad King Ahaz refuses God’s help, leading to one of the greatest prophecies in all the Old Testament.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 2:1-22 – Make Plows, Not War

While warning Judah of God’s impending judgment, Isaiah jumps to the future Millennial Kingdom when the nations will beat their swords into plows.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 1:1-31 – God Makes You An Offer You CAN Refuse

The Lord announces His judgment upon the southern kingdom of Judah while simultaneously making them a gracious offer of forgiveness.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at