Psalm 117 – The Hallelujah Chorus

The Bible’s shortest chapter is a call for all the nations of the world to hallelujah at the faithful love of God.

Psalm 117

Gene Pensiero Jr


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Psalm 117 – The Hallelujah Chorus | Expository Bible Study & Sermon

Psalm 117 is the shortest chapter in the Bible, yet it carries a powerful message for the entire world! This expository sermon unpacks the deep meaning of this praise-filled Psalm, calling all nations and all peoples to worship God for His faithful love and enduring truth. Why is this tiny chapter so significant? How does it point us to the gospel of Jesus Christ and God’s redemptive plan for the world?

Join us as we explore the theology of worship, the prophetic significance of Psalm 117, and what it means to truly hallelujah in response to God’s love. Whether you’re seeking solid Bible teaching, a verse-by-verse sermon, or insight into biblical prophecy, this study will deepen your understanding of God’s Word.

Watch now and discover:
Why Psalm 117 is a universal call to worship
How this chapter connects to God’s covenant love
The prophetic implications of this brief but powerful Psalm

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Psalm 20 – This Is Our Fight Song

God’s people sing out a call for God to answer with grace and victory, confident that He will share it with them.

Psalm 20

Gene Pensiero Jr


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This Is Our Fight Song (Psalm 20) | Expository Bible Study & Sermon

Are you searching for a powerful Bible study, an expository sermon on Psalm 20, or a message of victory through Jesus Christ? In this in-depth Christian sermon, we explore Psalm 20, a Royal Messianic Psalm written by King David. This encouraging message reminds us that God’s people can call on Him with confidence, knowing that He answers with grace, strength, and victory.

What You’ll Learn in This Sermon:
The meaning of Psalm 20 and its Messianic significance
How this psalm of victory points to Jesus Christ
Why we can trust God to answer in times of trouble
How to live with faith and purpose as a follower of Christ

If you love verse-by-verse Bible teaching, in-depth Calvary Chapel sermons, or Christian devotionals, this message is for you! Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe for more Bible study content from Calvary Hanford.

#BibleStudy #Sermon #Psalm20 #Christianity #JesusChrist #ExpositoryPreaching #CalvaryChapel #Faith #VictoryInChrist #ChristianEncouragement #BibleTeaching

Psalm 65 – All Nations Under God

David gives us a song describing the thriving Kingdom of the forever King which is overflowing with grace and goodness.

Psalm 65

Gene Pensiero Jr


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Discover the incredible truths of Psalm 65 in this in-depth expository sermon! Join us as we explore David’s beautiful song that reveals the thriving Kingdom of our forever King, Jesus Christ. Overflowing with grace, generosity, and goodness, this Psalm invites us to shift our hope away from failing human systems and place it firmly in the coming Kingdom of God.

In this verse-by-verse Bible study, we get excited about God’s ultimate plan to unite all nations under His righteous rule. Whether you’re passionate about systematic Bible study, eager to grow in your faith, or curious about the message of Christianity, this sermon will inspire and encourage you to trust in God’s lavish provision and grace.

At Calvary Hanford, we’re dedicated to teaching the Bible verse by verse and chapter by chapter to help you deepen your understanding of God’s Word. If you’re looking for meaningful Bible studies, sermons from Calvary Chapel pastors, or insights into Bible prophecy, this video is for you.

Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe for more Bible studies!
#BibleStudy #Psalm65 #ExpositorySermon #Christianity #BibleProphecy #CalvaryChapel #GraceAndGoodness #GodsKingdom #CalvaryHanford

Psalm 29 – Roll Of Thunder, Then We Cry

David’s song pictures God’s powerful voice as a earth-shattering thunderstorm, sweeping in from the sea and washing through Israel.

Psalm 29

Gene Pensiero Jr

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Explore the awe-inspiring majesty of God’s voice in Psalm 29 – Roll Of Thunder, Then We Cry! In this in-depth Bible study and expository sermon, we delve into King David’s poetic song that compares God’s powerful voice to an earth-shattering thunderstorm. Witness how the storm sweeps in from the sea, rolls across the land, and displays God’s unparalleled power, majesty, and sovereignty over all creation.

This sermon reveals not only God’s incredible strength but also His abundant generosity. Learn how the Lord shares His strength and peace with His people, offering comfort and hope to those who trust in Him.

If you’re passionate about systematic Bible study, exploring the Psalms, or understanding more about God’s character through His Word, this video is for you. Whether you’re a believer seeking spiritual growth, someone curious about Christianity, or a part of the Calvary Chapel community, this sermon will encourage and challenge your faith.

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✝️ Watch now to deepen your understanding of Psalm 29 and discover the powerful truth about God’s voice in your life.

#Psalm29 #BibleStudy #ChristianSermon #ExpositoryTeaching #CalvaryHanford #CalvaryChapel #GodsVoice #BookOfPsalms #OldTestament

Psalm 11 – Right Or Flight

David finds himself in a fight or flight situation, but instead decides to go through door number three: Right. The way of God’s righteousness.

Psalm 11

Gene Pensiero Jr


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Welcome to an in-depth Bible study through Psalm 11, a powerful passage that speaks to the heart of every believer facing life’s challenges. In this expository sermon, we explore how David, caught in a fight-or-flight situation, chooses a third, God-honoring path: the way of righteousness. When the world feels like it’s crumbling around us, how can we find true shelter, peace, and hope? By taking refuge in Jesus Christ and walking in His righteousness.

Whether you’re new to Christianity, a seasoned believer, or simply seeking encouragement, this study will inspire and equip you to trust God during times of trouble and uncertainty. As we unpack the meaning of Psalm 11, you’ll discover practical insights for your spiritual journey and be reminded that God’s righteousness is your refuge and strength.

At Calvary Hanford, we’re passionate about systematic Bible study and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you’re looking for Christian sermons, Bible devotionals, or teaching from the Calvary Chapel movement, this video is for you.

🔔 Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share to stay connected and help others find this life-changing message.

#Psalm11 #BibleStudy #ChristianSermons #CalvaryChapel #JesusIsOurRefuge

Psalm 33 – Worship While You Wait

A new year, the same God! In Psalm 33, we are invited to reflect on the greatness of God’s power and love and to respond with worship while we wait for Him to do what He wants to do.

Psalm 33

Gene Pensiero Jr


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Start your New Year with a powerful expository sermon on Psalm 33: Worship While You Work! This inspiring chapter of the Bible reminds us that though the year may be new, our God remains the same—faithful, powerful, and full of love. In Psalm 33, we are called to reflect on God’s greatness, His patience, His unmatched power, and His watchful care over our lives.

This sermon invites you to embrace the New Year with a heart of worship, trusting in God’s plans as you wait for Him to work in your life. Discover how Psalm 33 encourages us to respond to God’s grace with joyful praise, even in the midst of uncertainty. Whether you’re looking for encouragement, direction, or a fresh perspective on worship, this message is perfect for the start of a new season.

At Calvary Hanford, we’re dedicated to systematic Bible study and sharing God’s Word with clarity and depth. If you’re passionate about understanding the Bible, growing in your Christian faith, or learning how to worship while you work and wait, this video is for you.

🔔 Like, comment, and subscribe for more sermons, Bible studies, and Christian encouragement from Calvary Hanford!

#Psalm33 #NewYearsSermon #BibleStudy #ChristianSermons #WorshipWhileYouWork #CalvaryChapel #ChristianEncouragement

Psalm 17 – Wake Me Up When The Danger Ends

David prays a night prayer that God would deliver him from the savage lions that are about to destroy his life. Can God be counted on to answer?

Psalm 17

Gene Pensiero Jr

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Psalm 7 – Judaean Rhapsody

In his hour of trouble, David sings a rhapsody to the Lord, asking Him to be a refuge and Savior, and then his tune changes.

Psalm 7

Gene Pensiero Jr

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Psalm 44 – Are You Sleeping, Are You Sleeping, Father God?

In their hour of distress, the sons of Korah construct a powerful song in ziggurat style to try to wake God from His slumber.

Psalm 44

Gene Pensiero Jr

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Psalm 72 – The King Who Rains

In this song we see a vision for the ideal kingdom with the ideal king, but discover that no human can live up to it. Instead, we wait for Someone greater than Solomon to arrive and establish His forever Kingdom.

Psalm 72:1-20

Gene Pensiero Jr

Find the rest of this series at
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Psalm 111 – Working For His Weak Friends

The psalmist praises the good works of God and tells us why we should study them, which will lead to MORE praise!

Psalm 111:1-10

Gene Pensiero Jr

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Psalm 14 – Everybody’s Fool

God looks down on every human and sees only evil foolishness. But, out of His grace, He makes a place for us to flee to Him for refuge.

Psalm 14

Gene Pensiero Jr

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Psalm 103 – How Do You Love Me? Let Me Count The Ways.

David encourages his soul to bless the Lord by reminding himself of God’s love, character, power, and dealings.

Psalm 103

Gene Pensiero Jr

Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies through the Bible at
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Did God Forsake Jesus On The Cross?

The question is: Did God the Father turn His back and forsake Jesus on the cross?

Pastor Gene Pensiero offers some thoughts and Scripture on this issue during a study in Isaiah 50 and Psalm 22.

Find many more Q&A’s and send in your own question at

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Psalm 90 – These Are God’s Days Of Our Lives

In Moses’ only Psalm, we learn that our days are short but can be full of joy and spiritual value if we count them the way God does.

Psalm 90:1-17
Series: Psalm Sundays
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Psalms at

Psalm 32 – The Guilty Party

In Psalm 32:1-11, David tells us how he laid hold of God’s forgiveness and had the weight of his guilt taken away.

Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Psalms at

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