Prophecy Update #819 – Shut-up, Daniel

There is a fascinating phrase in the last chapter of the OT Book of Daniel. It is Daniel 12:4, “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end.”

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Welcome to Prophecy Updates #819 – Shut-up, Daniel, part of our ongoing series exploring current world trends aligning with Bible prophecy. In this episode, we dive deep into the Book of Daniel, specifically Daniel 12:4, where it says, “shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” Join us as we unpack how today’s advancements in biometrics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), cashless commerce, human DNA manipulation, global government, instantaneous communication, and the push to rebuild the Temple on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount reflect biblical predictions for the end times.

This Bible study and sermon from a Calvary Chapel perspective examines how these prophetic signs are trending like never before. We explore two interpretations of “knowledge shall increase”: a growing understanding of God’s plan for Israel and the Church, as emphasized in dispensationalist teaching, and the explosion of technology, science, and global travel in the modern era. Artificial Intelligence stands out as a key focus, with experts like Elon Musk warning of its potential to surpass human intelligence and pose serious risks—could AI be setting the stage for end-times events?

For those seeking in-depth Bible prophecy insights, this video connects scripture to today’s headlines, highlighting the rapture, the Great Tribulation, and the distinct destinies of the Church and Israel. Jesus’ promise in Revelation 3:10 assures the Church escape from the coming hour of trial, while Israel’s salvation follows the Tribulation. The resurrection and rapture remain imminent—ready or not, Jesus is coming!

Perfect for Christians, Bible students, and prophecy enthusiasts, this episode offers a thought-provoking look at how technology and world events align with God’s Word. Are you ready for the end times? Get ready, stay ready, and keep looking up as we approach the fulfillment of these ancient prophecies.

Subscribe for more Bible study videos, sermons, and prophecy updates from our Calvary Chapel series. Keywords: Bible prophecy, end times, Daniel 12, Artificial Intelligence, rapture, Great Tribulation, Calvary Chapel, Christianity, Israel, technology, Jesus’ return, dispensationalism, Revelation 3:10, Temple Mount, global trends.

Prophecy Update #818 – His Number Is 6GG

Technological advances like the coming 6G networks interest us because the Book of the Revelation predicts a global government whose cashless economy and services will be accessed by a personal biometric identifier.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Welcome to Prophecy Update #818 – His Number Is 6GG, part of our ongoing series exploring current world trends aligning with Bible prophecy about the end times. This video dives deep into biblical futurism, where we interpret unfulfilled prophetic passages as literal, physical, apocalyptic, and global future events. Join us for an in-depth Bible study examining how today’s technological advancements—biometrics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), cashless commerce, human DNA manipulation, global government, instant global communication, exponential knowledge growth, and the push to rebuild the Temple on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount—match predictions in the Book of Revelation.

In this sermon, we focus on 6G technology, the next generation of wireless innovation succeeding 5G. Expected by 2030, 6G promises faster speeds, lower latency, and efficient connectivity, enabling AI-driven networks, immersive augmented and virtual reality, Internet of Things (IoT) applications, smart cities, autonomous systems, and even brain-computer interfaces. These advancements aren’t just about better phones—they signal a tyrannical surveillance society foretold in Scripture. Revelation predicts a global government enforcing a cashless economy, accessible only through a personal biometric identifier on the forehead or hand. Once unimaginable, this system could launch today, perfectly describing the antichrist’s rule during the Great Tribulation.

We explore insights from experts like David Bowen, who warns of 6G’s role in a 40-year march toward total surveillance, control, and loss of autonomy. Samsung claims 6G will transform entertainment, medicine, education, and manufacturing, integrating AI and automation into every aspect of life. This aligns with end-times prophecy, where every action, conversation, and movement could be tracked and controlled—hallmarks of the future tribulation government.

For Christians, Bible students, and those curious about prophecy, this video connects today’s headlines to Revelation 3:10, where Jesus promises to keep believers from the hour of trial. The rapture and resurrection of the church are imminent—could happen any moment. Are you ready? This Calvary Chapel-style teaching urges you to get ready, stay ready, and keep looking up, because Jesus is coming soon.

Subscribe for more Bible prophecy updates, end-times sermons, and Christian teachings. Share your thoughts below—how do you see 6G fitting into biblical predictions? Let’s study God’s Word together!

Prophecy Update #817 – We Do Digital Right

Anybody like Taco Bell? KFC? How about Pizza Hut? I read an article this week about their parent company. Its title was, Yum Bets Big On AI As It Attempts To Move To 100% Digital Sales.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #817 – We Do Digital Right | Bible Prophecy, End Times, and the Coming Cashless System

Are we witnessing the rapid rise of a global, cashless economy that will play a role in end-times prophecy? In this week’s Prophecy Update #817, we examine how biometrics, artificial intelligence, and digital commerce are shaping a world that aligns with Bible prophecy. As technology advances, we see clear indications of a future system described in the Book of Revelation, where a one-world government will control global trade through a personal biometric identifier.

The Bible foretells a time when no one will be able to buy or sell without a mark on their hand or forehead (Revelation 13:16-17). What was once considered impossible is now becoming reality. From cashless transactions to AI-driven commerce, companies like Yum Brands (KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut) are moving toward 100% digital sales, reflecting the technological infrastructure necessary for the prophesied global economic system.

What You’ll Learn in This Prophecy Update:

– How biometrics, AI, and digital payments point to the coming cashless society
– Why global corporations are pushing for 100% digital sales and what it means for Bible prophecy
– How the mark of the beast system could be implemented today
– What the Bible says about the seven-year Great Tribulation and the Antichrist’s economic control
– The promise of the rapture of the Church—why believers in Jesus Christ won’t be here for the tribulation

Signs of the Last Days – Are You Ready?

The resurrection and rapture of the Church is imminent. Jesus promised:
“I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the Earth.” (Revelation 3:10)

The world is being conditioned for a global system that will dominate during the Great Tribulation. But Christians have hope—we are not appointed to God’s wrath! Are you ready for the return of Jesus Christ?

📖 Watch this prophecy update to stay informed, encouraged, and prepared for the Lord’s return!

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Prophecy Update #816 – Trump & Temple

Prime Minister of Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, recently called President Trump the greatest friend Israel has ever had in the White House. In his first term, President Trump did something amazing for Israel. He moved their embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

There is a great deal of speculation that Jews in Jerusalem will take advantage of the Trump presidency in order to get the Temple built.

Those around Trump would like to see the Temple built. Speaking at an event in Jerusalem in 2018, now Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth said there was “no reason why the miracle of re-establishing the Temple on the Temple Mount isn’t possible,” using the Israeli name for the raised plateau in occupied East Jerusalem where Al-Aqsa Mosque stands.

He also told attendees that Israel should take advantage of Trump being in office to do what they needed to do in the region, because there were “true believers” in Washington who would back them.

Right now it remains speculation. We are simply pointing-out that this is exactly what you would expect to read about in the news if you are familiar with the Bible and its prophecies.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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With voices in Washington D.C. supporting Israel’s right to build, many wonder if we are witnessing the fulfillment of Bible prophecy in real-time. What does this mean for the rapture, the tribulation, and the last days?

Join us for this in-depth Bible study as we examine what God’s Word says about the future and how today’s headlines match end times prophecy.

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Prophecy Update #815 – Hard To Swallow

Jesus compares His future death, burial, and resurrection to the experience of Jonah (Matthew 12:39-40). Jonah spent three days and three nights in the belly of a great fish, and similarly, Jesus would be in the tomb for three days and three nights before rising again.

I hope you saw the video this week of a kayaker being momentarily swallowed by a whale!

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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PROPHECY UPDATE #815 – HARD TO SWALLOW | Bible Prophecy & Viral News

What does a viral video of a kayaker getting swallowed by a whale have to do with Bible prophecy? In Matthew 12:39-40, Jesus compares His death, burial, and resurrection to the experience of Jonah, who spent three days and three nights in the belly of a great fish. This remarkable event foreshadowed Christ’s time in the tomb before His glorious resurrection.

While this recent whale encounter isn’t a direct prophetic sign, it does remind us of something undeniable: Jesus is alive, and He is coming back. Could God have a sense of humor and a flair for the dramatic? This Bible study and prophecy update explores the sign of Jonah, what Jesus meant by it, and why it still matters today.

Listen in on this podcast if you’re interested in:
Bible prophecy and current events
Understanding Jesus’ reference to Jonah
End-times updates and signs of the times
Calvary Chapel-style Bible teaching

Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more Bible prophecy updates, Christian teaching, and verse-by-verse studies!

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Prophecy Update #814 – L.A. 2.0

In the wake of the fires in Los Angeles, some governmental leaders are suggesting we rebuild towns like Pacific Palisades and Eaton as ‘Smart Cities,’ with what they call a modern Marshall Plan. It sounds utopian, but history and prophecy suggest it would more likely be dystopian.

Control over the total population is predicted for the Last Days. There has never been a time in human history in which the government has had so many tools and the technology to significantly control everything about you.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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In Prophecy Update #814 – L.A. 2.0, we explore the aftermath of the devastating fires in Los Angeles and the controversial proposal to rebuild towns like Pacific Palisades and Eaton as “Smart Cities.” While the idea of a modern Marshall Plan might sound promising, what does it mean for personal freedom? These Smart Cities could bring sweeping changes: no single-family zoning, mandatory public transit, and unprecedented government control over daily life. Could this be a utopian dream or a dystopian reality?

Bible prophecy foretells a time of total population control in the Last Days. Today’s technology gives governments tools to monitor and regulate society like never before. Could these Smart Cities be the stepping stones toward fulfilling end-times prophecy? Join us for an in-depth study of what the Bible says about the future and how current events align with Scripture.

If you’re interested in Bible prophecy, studying the Bible, understanding the signs of the times, or staying informed about the Southern California wildfires of 2025, this video is for you. Perfect for Christians, seekers, and anyone curious about how biblical truths connect to today’s world. Subscribe to Calvary Hanford for more prophecy updates, Bible studies, and sermons!

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Prophecy Update #813 – Who Made You God?

An entire chapter in the Revelation, chapter 17, is dedicated to the future rise of a global religion. AI-based religions could emerge, where people worship a Godhead based on AI.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Welcome to Prophecy Update #813 – Who Made You God? Join us as we dive into the prophetic significance of Revelation 17, which predicts the rise of a global religion in the end times. Could artificial intelligence (AI) be part of this future deception? With the rapid development of AI, some are already looking to it as a ‘god.’ In this video, we explore how modern culture aligns with Bible prophecy, highlighting controversial statements from tech entrepreneur Bryan Johnson, who claimed, “We are creating God in the form of superintelligence.”

Discover what the Bible says about the end times, false religions, and the spirit of anti-Christ, as we examine thought-provoking commentary, including Joel Berry’s viral tweet: “I’ve never seen the spirit of anti-Christ captured so succinctly by someone.”

This prophecy update is perfect for Christians, Bible students, and anyone curious about how current events tie into God’s Word. Don’t miss this in-depth Bible study from Calvary Hanford, your trusted source for verse-by-verse teaching and insight into Bible prophecy.

🔔 Subscribe for weekly prophecy updates, sermons, and Bible studies from Calvary Hanford.

Keywords: Bible prophecy, Revelation 17, AI religion, end times, global religion, Calvary Chapel, Bible study, Christian sermon, prophecy update, anti-Christ, Bible teaching.

Prophecy Update #812 – Normies

Hermeneutics is the study of how to interpret the Bible. What principles & methods do we follow? Why do we follow them?

Our ‘hermeneutic’ emphasizes a literal, grammatical-historical approach to interpreting the Bible. Here is what we mean.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Join us for Prophecy Update #812, where we explore the foundational Biblical hermeneutic used at Calvary Hanford—a literal, grammatical-historical approach to interpreting Scripture. In this video, we discuss why it’s essential to read the Bible as we would any other literature, paying attention to the plain, normal meaning of words, while recognizing literary devices like metaphors and symbols within their proper context.

This method leads us to two key conclusions:

The Bible should be understood in its straightforward, literal sense.
Ethnic Israel and the Church are distinct entities in God’s overarching plan for humanity.

By interpreting the Bible this way, we embrace a “normal” reading that honors its genre, historical setting, and the intent of its authors. This perspective not only enriches our understanding of Bible prophecy but also strengthens our faith as we see God’s plan unfolding with clarity and purpose.

If you’re interested in Bible study, Christian apologetics, Bible prophecy, or end-times events, this video is for you. Subscribe for more verse-by-verse studies, prophecy updates, and insights from Calvary Chapel.

#BibleProphecy #ProphecyUpdate #BibleStudy #Christianity #CalvaryChapel #EndTimes #BiblicalHermeneutics #IsraelAndTheChurch

Prophecy Update #811 – Getting To Know You

It’s obvious that the world economies are moving closer to a cashless economy that will utilize biometrics to id everyone who wants to participate in society.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Is the world moving closer to a cashless society powered by biometrics and artificial intelligence? In this week’s Prophecy Update #811, we explore the growing connections between emerging technologies and the ancient prophecies found in the Book of Revelation. As economies shift toward cashless systems and AI continues to evolve, could we be witnessing the groundwork for the “Image of the Beast”?

Join us as we delve into:

– The rise of AI, including five lifelike androids showcased at the Sphere in Las Vegas.

– Elon Musk’s NeuroLink, which is bridging the gap between brain and computer interfaces.

– How these advancements align with Bible prophecy and the warnings about the end times.

This video isn’t just about technological trends; it’s about understanding their spiritual implications. Revelation reveals more than just economic systems—it hints at a future where AI might serve as a repository of human knowledge and even begin to act independently.

If you’re passionate about Bible prophecy, end times events, or the intersection of faith and technology, this video is for you. Don’t miss this deep dive into how AI, biometrics, and prophecy are converging in today’s world.

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Prophecy Update #810 – Gimme That New-AI Religion

You can see how AI could play a pivotal role in the global religion prophecies waiting to be fulfilled. It’s getting weird.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Is artificial intelligence paving the way for the global religion foretold in Bible prophecy? In this week’s Prophecy Update, we explore how cutting-edge AI developments intersect with the Scriptures. From ChatGPT leading a church service in Germany to a South Carolina mega-church pastor launching an AI chatbot for personal prayer and counseling, the lines between technology and spirituality are becoming blurred.

Discover how these AI-driven advancements align with the Biblical warnings of a coming global religion in the last days. Are these innovations harmless tools, or could they play a pivotal role in the fulfillment of end-times prophecy? Join us as we dive into the Scriptures, providing a balanced, Bible-centered perspective on this rapidly evolving topic.

If you’re passionate about Bible prophecy, systematic Bible study, or understanding current events through a Christian lens, this video is for you. Whether you’re searching for insights into Revelation, exploring the role of technology in the end times, or looking for engaging sermons, you’ll find it here.

Stay informed and spiritually prepared as we discuss what’s happening in the world today and what it means for Christians. Subscribe for weekly updates on Bible prophecy and biblical insights.

#BibleProphecy #EndTimes #AIAndReligion #CalvaryChapel #Christianity #GenePensiero

Prophecy Update #809 – Image Is Everything

I asked ChatGPT, Could AI Fulfill the “Image of the Beast” Prophecy in Revelation 13? ChatGPT had a lot to say…even a joke!

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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In this update, we dive deep into the fascinating intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Bible prophecy. Could modern AI technology, like ChatGPT, play a role in fulfilling the incredible prophecy of the “Image of the Beast” described in Revelation 13?

At Calvary Hanford, we’ve been exploring how current events align with Biblical prophecy, and AI has become a game-changer in understanding how ancient predictions could unfold in our time. In this update, we ask the intriguing question: “Can AI fulfill the prophetic vision of the end times?” Listen as we unpack ChatGPT’s ideas and discuss how these advancements might bring us closer to the fulfillment of God’s Word.

This video is perfect for those interested in:

Bible prophecy and the Book of Revelation
Understanding end-times events
Deepening their Christian faith through systematic Bible study
Exploring how technology intersects with Biblical predictions

Don’t miss this thought-provoking discussion on Bible prophecy, AI, and the coming events of the last days. Be sure to like, comment, and share to spread the Word! Subscribe to Calvary Hanford for weekly updates and in-depth Christian teachings.

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Prophecy Update #808 – Debunking De-Banking

China’s social credit system is a nationwide program designed to monitor and influence individual and organizational behavior. It assigns scores…and consequences.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #807 – The Mess-AI-iah?

People will interact with the image of the Beast as if it were sentient. They will be required to worship the image as God. Something strikingly similar to that is happening right now.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #806 – Blow, Blow, Blow Your Shofar

Something happened during Passover that has not been seen on the Temple Mount for 2000 years!

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #805 – The Pearly (Bill) Gates

The Roman Catholic Church has long been believed to be the fulfillment of the one-world religion in Revelation. Bill Gates has a different idea.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #804 – Ark My Words

Daniel, Ezekiel and other Old Testament prophets predicted that there will be a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem during the future 7 year Great Tribulation. Animal sacrifice will be reinstated.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #803 – Is There An Avatar In Your Future?

The Antichrist will have a sentient statue? It sounds like some type of interactive Artificial Intelligence. Which leads us to something Facebook is going to roll-out called PhotoReal Avatars.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #802 – Dehumanized

There is no way of predicting the path of transhumanism. Our point is simple: Centuries ago sinister malevolent forces tried to erase what it means to be human by genetic manipulation.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #801 – Get America Godly Again

There is a scale for gauging a nation’s evil. It is found in the first chapter of the New Testament letter to the Romans. God explains that there are three milestones a nation will pass on its descent into evil.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #800 – Our Common Future

One thing that the UN wants to implement is a new ‘apex body’ in charge of the world’s entire financial system that will enhance its coherence and align its priorities with its 2030 agenda.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #799 – O Knows

Revelation says people will worship the image of the Beast. If it turns out to be powered by AI, who would possibly worship that? I know someone…

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #798 – The Robots Are Coming! The Robots Are Coming!

Whether it is AI or something else, the stage is being set for a global government, a global economy, and even a global religion that worships the antichrist.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #797 – ACU OMG

Arizona Christian University conducts an annual worldview survey among incoming freshmen and other respondents. The 2023 study documented significant and alarming declines among born-again Christians, indicating that a Biblical worldview does not inform their actions or decisions.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #796 – Face Finger

Just when I thought we had covered everything biometric, I discovered something called UID. It stands for Unique Identity Number and is utilized in India.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #795 – Soul Wars

As Israel fights Hamas, Hezbollah, and eventually Iran, there is an intensifying supernatural war…for souls.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #794 – This Mount Is My Mount

None of the major news outlets understand the true cause of the fighting in Israel that began with the October 7 attack by Hamas.

In May of 2021 Hamas launched rockets in retaliation for Israeli security forces entering the Al Aqsa Mosque after Palestinians threw stones and other objects at them. Hamas opposes any changes to the status quo at Jerusalem’s Temple Mount.

The current war was started by Hamas in response to the arrival of the red heifers. These exceedingly rare animals are needed to establish worship on the Temple Mount. In January, 2024, a Hamas spokesman specifically identified the red heifers as proof Israel would soon try to destroy the Mosque & other Islamic buildings.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #793 – @TextWithJesus

A new AI powered app offers users a chance to talk with characters from the Bible. Developer Anthony Levandowski is an AI pioneer who believes we can bring “heaven on earth.” He launched an AI religion, called Way of the Future.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #792 – Before Your Very Eyes

One day the Holy Land was under British control. The next day, Israel was a sovereign nation.

Over 2,800 years ago, the prophet Ezekiel spoke these words about Israel:

“I will take you from the nations and gather you from all the countries and bring you into your own land” (36:24).

The first part of that was fulfilled on May 14, 1948. Isaiah made this wild claim: “Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion was in labor, She gave birth to her children” (66:8).

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #791 – Gait-Way

Behavior biometrics monitors phone movement, keyboard behavior, touchscreen behavior, and mouse behavior, to determine your behavioral profile. Your gestures & your gait, too, can be profiled.

Bulgaria is going fully biometric in developing access control systems for mass gatherings. No tickets or wristbands; just scans of biometric info as you approach a door or an entrance. It’s the future.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #790 – Every Keystroke You Make, I’ll Be Watching You

Just about anyone who studies Bible prophecy agrees that the reign of the antichrist will be a nightmarish surveillance state. Privacy will be a casualty.

Along those lines, I came across an article titled, “Microsoft Is Giving Windows a Memory and It Might Change Everything.”

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #788 – Bunker Or Bust

Billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey, and Larry Ellison have a new trend: Buying up land and building doomsday bunkers like feudal lords.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #787 – Curses, Foiled Again!

On December 12th 2023, moments after cursing Israel with those words in a session of the Turkish Parliament, Minister Hasan Bitmez collapsed. He died two days later. On May 19th, Iran’s President Raisi, the Foreign Minister, and six other passengers and crew died in a helicopter crash. Two other helicopters landed safely.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #786 – OneHealth To Rule Them All

The 77th World Health Assembly is meeting from May 27th to June 1st in Geneva, Switzerland. On the agenda is the proposal called OneHealth. The OneHealth agenda is designed to centralize control of future pandemic-type risks.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #785 – Make My Baby’s Brown Eyes Blue

When Jesus said the End Times would be as the Days of Noah, one thing He was getting at is genetic tampering with the human race.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #784 – The End Game Is To End Jews

Pro-Palestine, Anti-Israel protests on college campuses dominated the news this past week. Jewish students were redirected “for their own safety.” They were told to go home and stay home. This isn’t about safety, it’s about oppression.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #783 – When The Enemy Shall Come In Like A Flood

Did you know that Hamas calls the attack of Israel and the subsequent conflict, Al Aqsa Flood?

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #782 – Have A Cow

According to a Hamas spokesperson, their current war was triggered by the arrival of red heifers to Israel. Hamas declared war on Israel because they have…red heifers of mass destruction??

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #781 – A Kohen Brother

The Jews believe they have found the Kohen who qualifies to lead the red heifer ceremony. Kohen is the Hebrew word for priest and it is specifically used in reference to the descendants of Aaron.

The Temple Institute released a photograph on twitter with the caption, “A KOHEN FIT TO PERFORM THE RED HEIFER CEREMONY!”

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #780 – You Saw Me Standing Alone

There are predictions in the Bible that, in the end times, Israel will stand alone. The United States continues to officially back away from Israel.

Recently, Senator Chuck Schumer called upon Israel to hold new elections to change their government – specifically to dump Benjamin Netanyahu from leadership.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #779 – Tribulation, Not Terminators

A recent article was titled, Top AI scientist says artificial intelligence will pass human intelligence WAY sooner than initially thought.

For many years, we’ve been talking about the prophet Daniel’s prediction that, in the end times, there would be an exponential explosion of knowledge.

Now, even secular experts use that sort of terminology.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #778 – Bow Now

One of the most outrageous predictions found in the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ has to do with a “statue” that “comes to life.”

Today it isn’t so difficult to see this as a form of advanced Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

Did you know that Microsoft’s AI Copilot recently went off the rails again? This time, it demanded worship and threatened those who wouldn’t bow with destruction.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #777 – DO Weep For Me, Argentina

There is chatter that the Jews are planning to sacrifice a red heifer this Passover season. Meanwhile, Argentina has a new president, Javier Milei. He is beyond being a supporter of Israel. Though not a convert, he is obsessed with Judaism and has his own rabbi.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #776 – It’s All In Your Head

Elon Musk’s Neuralink fits with the Bible’s predictions of an exponential growth bin human knowledge, and tampering with what it means to be human.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #775 – Please, Don’t You Be My Neighbor

America continues to turn away from her friendship with Israel. Ironically, we who were the first to recognize Israeli statehood may be the first to now officially recognize a Palestinian state.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #774 – My DNA Is Better Than Yours

Fragments of the Book of Giants shed light on the practices of the fallen angels of Genesis 6. They were tampering with cross-species genetics. How do the current trends toward crafting super-human genetics fit in with the Bible’s prophecy of the end times?

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #773 – Blinken’s Not Thinkin’

Secretary of State Tony Blinken has asked the U.S. State Department to conduct a review and present policy options on possible recognition of a Palestinian state after the war in Gaza.

Blessing Israel does not mean we must condone everything she does or does not do. Cursing her, in part, would involve siding with her enemies.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #772 – How About Now, Red Cow?

Last September, five red heifers arrived in Israel amid great fanfare. The Temple Institute in Jerusalem has been busy for decades replicating all necessary implements to perform animal sacrifices.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #767 – The Whole World Is Watching

Jesus once said, “This Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” We would expect that the Gospel would go out to the world in big numbers. It is.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #765 – 2 + 2 = Daniel 12:4

Many experts are concerned that companies such as OpenAI are moving too fast towards developing artificial general intelligence, the term for a system that can perform a wide variety of tasks at human or above human levels of intelligence.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #764 – Digital Doings Down Under

Digital ID will soon become a reality in Australia. Eventually, you won’t be able to access any public services, and you won’t be able to travel across borders or access healthcare without it.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #762 – Jew Haters Gonna Hate

In the wake of Israel’s retaliation against Hamas for their brutal massacre of innocents, we are witnessing world-wide hatred for the Jews.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #757 – Take Me To Your CEO

AI is everywhere these days – on your computer, at sports games, even in corporate board rooms. How might this line up with Bible prophecy?

It makes sense that the world would be moving in the direction that the prophecies predict. Biometrics, Artificial Intelligence, cashless commerce, the manipulation of human DNA, global government, the exponential growth of human knowledge, and the rebirth of national Israel are potential End Times phenomena the Bible predicts.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #756 – The G

We are rushing headlong into the tyrannical one-world predicted in the Bible. If polls are correct, most of the people in the world favor it.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has determined that we have fewer than 10 years to reduce global emissions by half to avoid the worst impacts of catastrophic climate change. To tackle this urgent need, they say we must align food policy with climate policy and drastically reduce the amount of meat and dairy produced. This is especially true for countries with high consumption, like the United States. Cutting 90% of beef consumption and replacing 50% of other animal-based foods with plant-based foods in the United States would save more than 2 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions from being released into our atmosphere by 2030.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #755 – Let’s Get Digital, Digital

In the Revelation, one thing John was shown about the future was a cashless, global system of commerce. Have you heard about FedNow, the Federal Reserve’s new instant payment service?

We are on the verge of a global, completely cashless economy that will be accessed by a personal biometric identifier.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. calls trend “the slippery slope to financial slavery and political tyranny.” That’s an extreme statement, but you can see how it is true. Once you must rely upon an all digital economy, the government will most assuredly gain access to your account to punish you, or to force behaviors they deem necessary. 

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #754 – The Hateful 8

We discovered a new group with a global agenda. New to us, that is – they’ve been around since 2005. It is called C40 Cities.

US cities listed as members are Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Seattle.

Christians have long been accused of being conspiracy theorists for saying such things. Recently, I might say even suddenly, powerful groups of wealthy influencers, government officials, and tech giants, have come out of the closet with their radical global agendas.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #753 – How Klaus Are We To Globalism?

Klaus Schwab has more than a few totalitarian plans for Planet Earth. His public statements on globalism and the radical change of human society are shocking to hear.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ predicts a global government in the End Times. Christian futurists have been talking about it for the longest time. It is happening.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #752 – One Digital ID To Rule Us All

The world is trending toward a cashless economy, relying on technologies like AmazonOne, World Coin, and other digital currencies.

When cash is eliminated, and there is a digital global economic system, the world will be a keystroke away from tyranny.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #749 – Climate Is Cirrus Business

Historically it has been difficult to see how globalism might take hold. Not anymore. One word describes the possible catalyst for globalism: Climate.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #748 – Let Us Do The Thinking

In the Great Tribulation, the government will be global and totalitarian. We therefore expect governments to be moving in the direction of global, totalitarian control of citizens.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #746 – Are All Synthezoid Babies Cute?

A team of researchers in the United States and United Kingdom say they have created the world’s first synthetic human embryo-like structures from stem cells, bypassing the need for eggs and sperm.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #745 – Don’t Kill The Operator

Recently, an AI-enabled drone “killed” its human operator in a simulation conducted by the US Air Force in order to override a possible “no” order stopping it from completing its mission.

AI is exactly the kind of thing we expect to be happening from our futurist reading of God’s Word.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #743 – What Homeless Crisis?

Governments are going green in a big way. World leaders have prioritized climate change over just about any other function of government. It is proving disastrous.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Have A Bible Question?

Hey there podcast listeners! We wanted to let you know that we recently started a short-form podcast using some of the live Q&A sessions we’ve hosted over the years. Episodes are just a few minutes long come out every Tuesday and they share our perspective on all sorts of Bible issues.

If that sounds interesting to you, you can find the podcast by searching for “Calvary Hanford questions” on whatever app you’re using to listen right now. Or you can visit and get direct links there, plus from that page, you’ll be able to submit questions of your own if you’d like us to answer them.

We hope you enjoy it. Now back to your regular podcast. Have a great day!

Prophecy Update #742 – Explosion

There is a fascinating prediction at the end of the OT Book of Daniel. The last chapter is about the last days, looking beyond today. An angel told Daniel, “knowledge shall increase.”

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #741 – Cash Me Out

The Bible describes a cashless future in which all transactions will be conducted within a system that requires a person to possess on or in their body what is commonly called the Mark of the Beast.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #739 – Kid Stuff

Kids have always been disobedient to their parents. What if it has the application of not needing to obey their parents? In other words, what if it might include the lack of parental consent?

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #738 – Robot In The Mirror

The sole reason we talk about AI is this: The Bible, 2,000 years ago, predicted an “image” would come to life. That prophecy could be fulfilled by AI. We are alive in the first and only time in history that makes any sense.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #737 – Code Red

A Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem will play a critical role in the Time of Jacob’s Trouble we commonly call the Great Tribulation. Both Daniel and Jesus reference it. When there is news about rebuilding it, or reinstating sacrifices, it is what you expect from unfulfilled Bible prophecy.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #735 – They’ve Taken The Man Out Of Repo Man

A cashless system of global commerce and identity is possible today, for the first time in human history. Two thousand years ago, the Bible predicted global government with the power to control all cashless commerce. It could happen overnight.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #734 – Things To Do In Canada When You’re Dead

For climate change warriors, there is one issue that has been in the background, unspoken, but is now a part of the discussion. It is the world’s population. Too many people, not enough resources, is the mantra.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #732 – Churches? We Don’t Need No Stinking Churches!

The Bible indicates that there will be a great apostasy during the end times. Recent survey results show that church attendance in the United States continues to decline in troubling ways.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #731 – Microsoft 1984

There are powerful people and organizations that are making moves to control food. It is part of the larger movement to eliminate the sovereignty of nations in order to establish a one-world, new world order. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #730 – Knowledge On Steroids

Daniel predicted that, in the last days, there would be an exponential explosion of knowledge. Artificial Intelligence is sort of the poster robot for the increase in knowledge.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

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Prophecy Update #725 – I Fought The L.A.W.S.

The Beast in the Revelation will ultimately have the power and ability to kill anyone who does not swear allegiance to him. We expect government to be moving in the direction of more control over its citizens, and to be developing remote means to use lethal force. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #724 – Digital Dictators

We live at the time in the only time in human history in which it is possible for a universal ‘mark’ to identify every person on Earth. That by itself should stun you. The Mark of the Beast, whatever it will be, will render a person a global citizen under totalitarian control. We would therefore expect world leaders to be moving in the direction of global government that strips citizens of their rights. That is precisely the path world leaders are on. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #721 – Putin The Exorcist

When was the last time a conflict was described as a holy war, with Satanic influences, involving the antichrist and the end of the world? I’m not suggesting that Putin is the antichrist, or that the head of the Russian Orthodox Church is the false prophet. I am saying that the rhetoric coming out of Russia is not at all unusual in the prophetic light of the Book of the Revelation. We expect religion and politics to be in tandem during that awful time. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #720 – Keeping Score

The totalitarian, global government of the antichrist will enforce its mandates by restricting what a person can buy or sell. This will affect every aspect of life. We have been trending that way for some time. The COVID19 pandemic revealed how easy it is for government to mandate the behaviors they deem necessary, without regard to human rights. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #714 – The 66° Of 666

Many in world leadership are openly advocating a surveillance society where human rights and freedoms will be a thing of the past. They are using the need to address Climate Change as an overriding, global problem that overshadows any loss of personal freedoms. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #713 – Seeing Is Controlling

The government of the Great Tribulation will be totalitarian. The world leader we commonly call the antichrist will establish a surveillance society in which no one will be able to transact any business without being connected to a global system of commerce. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #712 – We Are The World, We Were Your Children

A one-world, global government, is predicted in the Revelation. You’d expect a hard push in that direction. The World Economic Forum is out in the open, pushing hard, with some of the wealthiest, most powerful people lending their muscle. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #699 – One Card To Rule Them All

Two-thousand plus years ago, the apostle John wrote about the future. He saw all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave… receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #698 – Take Your Stinking Hands Off Me, You Dumb Human!

Biometrics, Artificial Intelligence, cashless commerce, the manipulation of human DNA, global government, the exponential growth of human knowledge, and the rebirth of national Israel are End Times phenomena the Bible predicts. All of these are increasingly trending in the news. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #693 – Push Reset

The End Times we read about in the Revelation is a global, one-world, totalitarian government. The currency of its citizens will be controlled by a global economic system involving some sort of personal identifier. It sounds exactly like the world the Great Reset is openly promoting. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #688 – Cashin’ Out

The prophecies we most discuss are those that predict a cashless, global economy, that is accessed by a personal identifier. During the future 7-year Great Tribulation, the world leader we call the antichrist will control commerce and travel, indeed every aspect of the lives of his citizens. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #687 – Enhanced Meta Transhumans

Satan’s Nephilim were the first attempt at what today is called Transhumanism. It is “the improvement of human capacities through advanced technology.” Examples are cryogenics, virtual reality, gene therapy/RNA interference, space colonization, cybernetics, autonomous self-replicating robots, molecular manufacturing, mind uploading, and artificial intelligence. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #684 – Long COVID

After the church has been resurrected and raptured, a strong world leader will gain totalitarian control of his citizens. He will require they swear allegiance to him. Anyone who refuses will be executed. The pandemic COVID19 is not an End Times plague. It has accelerated an acceptance of totalitarian control by governments around the globe. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #681 – Where Have All The Freedoms Gone?

Control over buying and selling involves control over pretty much everything. If the government wants to restrict your movements, they will. If they want to track you, they will. You get the idea. We are experiencing on a small scale what this kind of control will be full scale in the future. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #680 – Somebody’s Watchin’ You

The future is an intrusive surveillance state. Facial recognition, retinal scans, palm scans, and implanted chips are the tip of the technology iceberg that exist and are currently in use. Any of them could be used by government to restrict buying and selling, restrict travel, or pretty much anything else. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #676 – Our House Is A Very False House

We read about a Last Days global religious movement in the seventeenth chapter of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. It is referred to as “Babylon” because it is the final form of the religious rebellion at the Tower of Babel. We therefore expect movement towards a global religion, or at least an “ecumenical” movement, meaning all-inclusive, all-embracing, and universal. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #674 – The Punishers

The Book of the Revelation describes the antichrist having authoritarian control over his citizens. In the future Great Tribulation technology will access the global grid and determine a person’s level of participation in society. It will be possible to restrict purchases and participation. The technology is ready for this digital dictatorship. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #670 – The Shots Felt Around The World

COVID19 is not prophetic. However, the methods and mandates that are being utilized globally to combat it are predictive of the type of the socio-economic system that will play a significant role in the future government of the antichrist. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #668 – Mandate Or Manslaughter

Citizens in the future Great Tribulation will be mandated to participate in a system by which they must produce proof of compliance in order to be allowed to work or shop or dine or attend entertainment. Without proof, their livelihood and lifestyles will be restricted. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #666 – No App, No Access

Biometrics, Artificial Intelligence, cashless commerce, the manipulation of human DNA, global government, the exponential growth of human knowledge, and the rebirth of Israel as a nation are all areas we see corroborating the End Times prophecies of the Bible. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #663 – Vac La France!

Mandatory vaccination that requires proof for a person to travel, for employment, dining, entertainment, and anything else that a government deems necessary, sounds too much like the Last Days prediction that at some point everyone on Earth will be subjected to a contactless, cashless system of commerce involving a mark on your hand or forehead. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #662 – Knock, Knock, It’s The President

We have for many decades understood from Bible prophecy that the End Times would feature a cashless, contactless global system of economics. Something in or on a person’s hand or forehead will allow them to conduct all necessary business and commerce. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #658 – Think You’re Going Somewhere?

Biometrics, Artificial Intelligence, cashless commerce, the manipulation of human DNA, increased surveillance, global government, and the exponential growth of human knowledge are all areas we see corroborating the prophecies of the Bible. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #657 – Big Trouble In Civilian China

The Mark of the Beast is presented in the Revelation as a means by which the governments of the future will control every aspect of a person’s life. With this “mark” you will be able to participate in society. Without it you will be severely restricted or cut off entirely. Communist China is showing us what this looks like. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #652 – The Face That Launched A Thousand Apps

John predicted the mark of the beast over 2000 years ago at a time when soldiers were getting paid with salt. He saw technology we take for granted. Here are a few of the biometric advances that could easily fit John’s vision of the future. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #649 – I’ll Pass

The possibility of enslaving citizens by some sort of biometric “mark” is fast becoming reality. The technology exists, right now, for everyone to use their fingerprints, or their palm prints, or a vein scan, or a retinal scan, or a wearable device, or an implanted chip, to identify themselves, and conduct all their business. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #646 – You Just Watch Me

It would seem that the apostle John was shown how what we call biometrics would be used to surveil and control the lives of those under antichrist’s reign. You would expect that the nations of the world to be trending toward a surveillance state made possible by biometric. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #644 – The COVID-19 Accelerator

People ask, “Does COVID19 have anything to do with Bible prophecy?” My answer is, “No, not directly.” By that I mean it is not one of the plagues we read about in the Revelation. Indirectly, however, COVID19 has a lot to do with Bible prophecy in that it is accelerating several prominent end times predictions. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #640 – Hip, Hip, Whatever Happened To HIPAA?

Until recently, unless you lived in China, it has been hard to believe that such a thing like the mark of the beast could be forced upon a freedom-loving public. In just a few months, however, COVID19 has effectively changed that. Around the world, citizens are going to be forced to receive vaccinations or suffer consequences. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #639 – Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes

The Revelation of Jesus Christ seems to describe what commentators call a one-world government during the future Great Tribulation. You’d therefore expect a serious movement towards a more global governance to gain traction before the Tribulation.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

Prophecy Update #638 – I Got You Under My Skin

The Mark of the Beast. Believers and nonbelievers alike have some familiarity with it. It is something having to do with your hand or forehead that will allow you to identify yourself, and to conduct all of your business. Biblically, it seems to be a system in place globally before the Beast (the antichrist) declares himself to be God. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #637 – I’m Sorry, Dave. I’m Afraid I Can’t Do That.

There is a fantastic prophecy that, during the Great Tribulation, a person called “the false prophet” will construct an “image” of the world leader known as the Beast or the antichrist that will seemingly or actually come to life. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #636 – Build Back Better Worry

The final book of the Bible, the Revelation, predicts what the world will look like in the End Times – especially during the seven year Great Tribulation. The world will be under the rule of one government, one economic system, and one leader. A global, one-world order, is being openly pursued by many of the world’s most powerful men. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #635 – No Credit For You

China has developed what is called, “Social Credit.” It is a system that, quite literally, controls the participation of citizens in everyday purchases and activities. Each citizen is given a social credit score, with rewards for those who have a high rating and punishments for those with low scores. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #632 – Please Don’t Touch

Indirectly, the global response to COVID-19 does potentially have a prophetic impact. We’ve been pointing out for decades that, in the last days and then in the Great Tribulation, the world will be united in commerce. There will be some sort of digital and biometric technology by which everyone can be identified, and can conduct all their business. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #631 – Acceleration

Does COVID-19 have anything to do with Bible prophecy? Not directly; and by that I mean, it isn’t a pestilence from the Book of the Revelation. The things you read about in chapters 6-19, the Great Tribulation, are after the rapture of the church. Indirectly, the global response to the pandemic does potentially have a prophetic impact. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #629 – It’s Ultron With No Avengers

There is an intriguing passage in the Revelation about an idol, a guy we call the false prophet, and the Beast – another name of the antichrist. Apparently an image of the Beast is going to come to “life.” Could AI be part of this prophecy? (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #628 – This Is The Sick That Never Ends

COVID19 is not one of the end times pestilences. Those occur during the seven year Great Tribulation. We are not in the Great Tribulation, nor will the church ever be in it. God has promised to keep us from that day. What COVID19 is doing is catapulting us forward to a “new normal,” global society that will depend upon biometric technologies to identify, and in many ways control citizens. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #627 – Who Was That Masked Man?

The Bible predicts that one day the citizens of the world would be identified by, and conduct all their business by, something in or on their forehead or their hand. The prophecy seemed ridiculous for centuries. Not anymore. There are any number of biometric technologies fully developed that could be implemented globally pretty much overnight. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #624 – Tracking Stars

COVID19 is not a one of the pestilences we read about in the Bible. Those occur during the Great Tribulation. If it has a sinister, Satanic, spiritual purpose, it is that it is pushing the world population towards a global, digital biometric system. It is the kind of system futurists have been predicting since the apostle John wrote the Revelation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #621 – The Tais Have It

It’s not being a conspiracy theorist to see one scenario that calls for everyone in the world to be vaccinated, and to be able to prove their COVID-19 status digitally. Without proof of the vaccination, you could be barred from entering stores and other buildings. That is to say, you won’t be able to buy or sell anything. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #620 – V For Vaccine

Until recently, it was hard to believe that the global population would willingly give up their privacy in favor of an identification system like the one predicted in the Revelation. COVID-19 could be accelerating global acceptance of some sort of contactless digital ID. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #613 – Can’t Touch This

For decades futurists have talked about a way of transacting business, or of being identified, by the “mark” on the hand or forehead described in the Revelation. For a long time, it seemed impossible and ridiculous. But now, today, we know it as biometrics, and its implementation is happening. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #612 – Not Your Momma’s Blue Chip Stamps

In the yet future Great Tribulation, there comes a point at which the governments of the world, and the antichrist in particular, are able to control all buying and selling by consumers. It involves what is called a “mark” on the hand or forehead. Imagine how ridiculous that sounded through the many centuries following John’s vision of it in the Revelation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #611 – Cashing Out

In the yet future Great Tribulation, there comes a point at which the governments of the world, and the antichrist in particular, are able to control all buying and selling by consumers. Students of Bible prophecy have long argued that there will be a global, cashless economy. It once seemed farfetched; it doesn’t anymore. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #605 – Smart In The City

What do Smart Cities have to do with Bible prophecy? In the future Great Tribulation, the leader we most commonly call the antichrist will exercise totalitarian control over those who swear their allegiance to him. That kind of oversight will require something like Smart City surveillance. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #604 – Skin In The Game

One well-known prediction in the Revelation is that of people needing what is called a ‘mark’ on their hand or forehead. Without it, people cannot buy or sell anything, or conduct any business. Over the centuries, scoffers seemed to have the upper hand, so to speak. Today, however, it sounds exactly like biometrics. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #595 – Buddy You Can’t Spare A Dime

In the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the apostle John predicted that during the Great Tribulation there would be a true global, cashless economy. Citizens will participate in it by buying and selling by means of some ‘mark’ on their hand or forehead. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #594 – Kiosk Krazy

The phrase ‘Smart City’ is something you’re going to hear more-and-more. Listen for it. Is this the Mark of the Beast? No, the Mark isn’t technology, it is swearing allegiance to him, worshiping him. But reading the Bible as we should, as futurists, these advances and invasions of privacy are exactly what was predicted. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #591 – Marked Men

For centuries, futurists were ridiculed for believing that the Mark of the Beast could be literal. No one could conceive of such a technology. Today, everyone understands that there are multiple technologies involving biometrics that could fulfill the two-thousand year old prophecy. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #546 – A Chip Off The ‘Ole Beast

Since the “mark of the beast” involves buying and selling, and is said to be on the hand or forehead, students of Bible prophecy have for many decades thought it would involve placing a microchip under the skin. Maybe; maybe not. But it is undeniable that people are becoming more comfortable with being chipped. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)