Mark 1:39-45 – Your Will Is My Command

In the healing of the leper, we learn that disregarding God’s will in favor of our own wisdom hinders His work, but Jesus, in His compassion and grace, is still willing to cleanse and guide us.

Our text in this study is: Mark 1:39-45
Series: Who Do You Say That He Is?
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Welcome to our expository Bible study on Mark 1:39-45, titled “Your Will Is My Command.” This in-depth sermon explores Jesus’ miraculous healing of a leper and the surprising disobedience that follows. Join us as we dive into this powerful passage from the Gospel of Mark, uncovering timeless lessons about faith, obedience, and God’s will. Perfect for anyone seeking to study the Bible, grow in their Christian faith, or understand Jesus’ ministry more deeply, this video is a must-watch for Bible study enthusiasts and Calvary Chapel followers.

In Mark 1:39-45, we witness Jesus preaching in Galilee, driving out demons, and performing an incredible miracle: healing a leper who boldly approaches Him. This Bible study examines the leper’s faith, Jesus’ compassion, and the shocking twist when the healed man disobeys Christ’s direct command. What can we learn from this story about submitting to God’s will instead of our own? How does self-reliance hinder God’s work? This sermon unpacks these questions, offering practical insights for Christians today.

Designed for people interested in Christianity, Jesus’ teachings, and expository preaching, this video breaks down Mark 1:39-45 verse by verse. We explore themes of leprosy as a picture of sin, Jesus’ mission to preach salvation, and the consequences of ignoring God’s instructions. Whether you’re searching for Bible study tools, sermons on obedience, or Calvary Chapel-style teaching, this video delivers rich, scripture-based content to strengthen your walk with Christ.

Our channel provides Bible study resources for those hungry to know God’s Word. This sermon is ideal for viewers researching Jesus’ miracles, the Gospel of Mark, or Christian living. Keywords like “Bible study Mark 1,” “Jesus heals leper,” “expository sermon,” and “Calvary Chapel sermon” will help you find us. Subscribe for more studies on Christianity, faith, and obedience to God’s will.

Watch now to discover how Jesus’ compassion transforms lives and why aligning with His will matters. Perfect for personal devotion, small group study, or sermon inspiration, this video aims to rank high in searches for “Bible study Jesus,” “Mark 1 sermon,” and “Christian obedience.” Let’s grow together in understanding God’s Word and applying it to our lives!

Mark 1:29-38 – For One Night Only

Mark ends his description of a day-in-the-life of Jesus’ ministry with a long night of healing and prayer.

Our text in this study is: Mark 1:29-38
Series: Who Do You Say That He Is?
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Are you searching for an in-depth expository Bible study on Mark 1:29-38? Do you want to understand Jesus’ miracles, His ministry, and His mission beyond just the physical healings? In this verse-by-verse expository study, we explore how Jesus served tirelessly, healed the sick, cast out demons, and prioritized preaching the Gospel above all else.

What You’ll Learn in This Video:

The significance of Jesus healing Simon Peter’s mother-in-law (Mark 1:30-31)
How Jesus worked late into the night healing and ministering to the people (Mark 1:32-34)
Why Jesus rose early in the morning to pray and seek the Father (Mark 1:35)
The true reason Jesus came—to preach the Gospel rather than just perform miracles (Mark 1:38)
The contrast between the crowd’s expectations of Jesus and His actual mission

Why This Bible Study Matters:

The people of Capernaum saw Jesus as a miracle worker, but they missed His true purpose: to bring salvation through the Gospel. Many today still seek Jesus only for earthly blessings while ignoring His greater calling. This study challenges us to follow Jesus for who He is, not just what He can do for us.

Who Is This Video For?

Anyone wanting a deep dive into the Gospel of Mark
Christians looking for solid Bible teaching and expository preaching
Those interested in Jesus’ miracles, prayer life, and ministry focus
People searching for Calvary Chapel Bible studies and verse-by-verse teaching

Key Takeaways From Mark 1:29-38

Jesus served tirelessly—ministering to the sick, casting out demons, and teaching (Mark 1:29-34)

Jesus prioritized prayer—showing us the importance of communion with the Father (Mark 1:35)

Jesus came to preach the Gospel—miracles were a sign, but salvation was the mission (Mark 1:38)

Many sought Jesus for the wrong reasons—but He calls us to true discipleship (Mark 1:36-37)

About Calvary Hanford

This video is part of our ongoing verse-by-verse study through the Gospel of Mark. At Calvary Hanford, we are committed to systematic Bible teaching, exploring the Scriptures in depth, and growing in our faith through the powerful and prevailing love of God.

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Mark 1:21-28 – Any Given Saturday

Mark shows us a day-in-the-life of Jesus, starting with a dramatic scene in the synagogue of Capernaum.

Our text in this study is: Mark 1:21-28
Series: Who Do You Say That He Is?
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Mark 1:21-28 – Any Given Saturday | Expository Sermon on Jesus’ Authority & Power

Join us as we dive deep into Mark 1:21-28 in this expository Bible study, exploring a day in the life of Jesus Christ. In this powerful passage, we witness Jesus’ authority over demons, His life-giving teaching, and His compassion for the afflicted. Unlike the dead traditionalism of human religion, Jesus’ words are alive and powerful, bringing real transformation.

What You’ll Learn in This Bible Study:
Jesus’ authority over unclean spirits and demonic forces.
How Jesus’ teaching stands apart from empty religious traditions.
The danger of sin and why we need God’s rescue.
How Jesus works in our daily lives, bringing healing and redemption.

This Calvary Chapel-style teaching is perfect for those seeking in-depth Bible exposition, Christian sermons, and a deeper understanding of the Gospel of Mark. If you’re passionate about learning the Bible, studying Jesus’ ministry, or growing in your Christian faith, this message is for you!

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Mark 1:12-20 – The Sovereign Is Calling And I Must Go

Jesus faces the Devil in the wilderness then goes looking for disciples who He calls to follow after Him.

Our text in this study is: Mark 1:12-20
Series: Who Do You Say That He Is?
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Mark 1:12-20 – The Sovereign Is Calling And I Must Go | Expository Bible Study & Sermon

Join us for an in-depth expository Bible study through Mark 1:12-20, where we explore Jesus’ battle with Satan in the wilderness and His calling of the first disciples. In this powerful passage, we see how Jesus Christ did what no man—not Adam, not Moses, not Elijah—could do. He defeated temptation, stood victorious against the Devil, and now calls us to follow Him in faith, repentance, and discipleship.

What You’ll Learn in This Study:
How Jesus overcame Satan’s temptations (Mark 1:12-13)
Why Jesus’ victory matters for us today
The significance of His call to “Follow Me” (Mark 1:16-20)
What true discipleship means in the life of a believer

This verse-by-verse teaching is perfect for those looking for solid biblical teaching, deep Christian discipleship, and a greater understanding of God’s Word. Whether you’re studying the Bible for the first time, a devoted follower of Christ, or a student of Bible prophecy, this sermon will equip and encourage you!

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#BibleStudy #GospelOfMark #JesusChrist #ChristianSermon #ExpositoryPreaching #CalvaryChapel #SpiritualWarfare #FollowJesus

Mark 1:4-11 – Talking With A Man Down By The River

John the Baptist preaches to multitudes about the coming Messiah Who then shows up one day!

Our text in this study is: Mark 1:4-11
Series: Who Do You Say That He Is?
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Talking With A Man Down By The River (Mark 1:4-11) | Expository Bible Study & Sermon

What happens when a wild prophet in the wilderness proclaims the coming of the Messiah—and then, one day, the Messiah actually shows up? In Mark 1:4-11, we see John the Baptist preaching repentance and preparing the way for Jesus Christ, the Son of God. But Jesus isn’t just another teacher—He is God in the flesh, identifying with sinners and beginning His public ministry through baptism. Why does Jesus get baptized? What does this moment reveal about the Trinity? And what does it mean for our salvation today?

Join us for this in-depth Bible study through the Gospel of Mark as we explore the significance of John the Baptist, Jesus’ baptism, and the voice of God declaring, “You are My beloved Son.” This Christian sermon will help you understand the gospel, the identity of Christ, and how He came to take away our sins.

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Mark 1:1-3 – Who Do You Say That He Is?

Mark’s Gospel opens with some clear and history-changing declarations about Who Jesus is. But now that the Messiah has been revealed, what does it really mean to be His disciple?

Our text in this study is: Mark 1:1-3
Series: Who Do You Say That He Is?
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Mark 1:1-3 – Who Do You Say That He Is? | Expository Sermon & Bible Study

What does the Gospel of Mark reveal about Jesus Christ? In this verse-by-verse Bible study, we dive deep into Mark 1:1-3, uncovering history-changing declarations about the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Mark’s Gospel is not just a biography—it’s a breaking news announcement that demands a response.

Join us for an in-depth expository sermon as we explore the significance of these opening verses. Who is Jesus? What does it mean to be His disciple? How does Mark’s Gospel establish Jesus’ identity as the Son of God?

This sermon is perfect for those seeking solid Bible teaching, in-depth Christian discipleship, and Calvary Chapel-style expositional preaching. If you’re looking for Christian sermons, Gospel of Mark Bible studies, or verse-by-verse teachings, this video is for you!

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Psalm 65 – All Nations Under God

David gives us a song describing the thriving Kingdom of the forever King which is overflowing with grace and goodness.

Psalm 65

Gene Pensiero Jr


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Discover the incredible truths of Psalm 65 in this in-depth expository sermon! Join us as we explore David’s beautiful song that reveals the thriving Kingdom of our forever King, Jesus Christ. Overflowing with grace, generosity, and goodness, this Psalm invites us to shift our hope away from failing human systems and place it firmly in the coming Kingdom of God.

In this verse-by-verse Bible study, we get excited about God’s ultimate plan to unite all nations under His righteous rule. Whether you’re passionate about systematic Bible study, eager to grow in your faith, or curious about the message of Christianity, this sermon will inspire and encourage you to trust in God’s lavish provision and grace.

At Calvary Hanford, we’re dedicated to teaching the Bible verse by verse and chapter by chapter to help you deepen your understanding of God’s Word. If you’re looking for meaningful Bible studies, sermons from Calvary Chapel pastors, or insights into Bible prophecy, this video is for you.

Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe for more Bible studies!
#BibleStudy #Psalm65 #ExpositorySermon #Christianity #BibleProphecy #CalvaryChapel #GraceAndGoodness #GodsKingdom #CalvaryHanford

Psalm 29 – Roll Of Thunder, Then We Cry

David’s song pictures God’s powerful voice as a earth-shattering thunderstorm, sweeping in from the sea and washing through Israel.

Psalm 29

Gene Pensiero Jr

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Explore the awe-inspiring majesty of God’s voice in Psalm 29 – Roll Of Thunder, Then We Cry! In this in-depth Bible study and expository sermon, we delve into King David’s poetic song that compares God’s powerful voice to an earth-shattering thunderstorm. Witness how the storm sweeps in from the sea, rolls across the land, and displays God’s unparalleled power, majesty, and sovereignty over all creation.

This sermon reveals not only God’s incredible strength but also His abundant generosity. Learn how the Lord shares His strength and peace with His people, offering comfort and hope to those who trust in Him.

If you’re passionate about systematic Bible study, exploring the Psalms, or understanding more about God’s character through His Word, this video is for you. Whether you’re a believer seeking spiritual growth, someone curious about Christianity, or a part of the Calvary Chapel community, this sermon will encourage and challenge your faith.

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✝️ Watch now to deepen your understanding of Psalm 29 and discover the powerful truth about God’s voice in your life.

#Psalm29 #BibleStudy #ChristianSermon #ExpositoryTeaching #CalvaryHanford #CalvaryChapel #GodsVoice #BookOfPsalms #OldTestament

Psalm 11 – Right Or Flight

David finds himself in a fight or flight situation, but instead decides to go through door number three: Right. The way of God’s righteousness.

Psalm 11

Gene Pensiero Jr


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Welcome to an in-depth Bible study through Psalm 11, a powerful passage that speaks to the heart of every believer facing life’s challenges. In this expository sermon, we explore how David, caught in a fight-or-flight situation, chooses a third, God-honoring path: the way of righteousness. When the world feels like it’s crumbling around us, how can we find true shelter, peace, and hope? By taking refuge in Jesus Christ and walking in His righteousness.

Whether you’re new to Christianity, a seasoned believer, or simply seeking encouragement, this study will inspire and equip you to trust God during times of trouble and uncertainty. As we unpack the meaning of Psalm 11, you’ll discover practical insights for your spiritual journey and be reminded that God’s righteousness is your refuge and strength.

At Calvary Hanford, we’re passionate about systematic Bible study and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you’re looking for Christian sermons, Bible devotionals, or teaching from the Calvary Chapel movement, this video is for you.

🔔 Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share to stay connected and help others find this life-changing message.

#Psalm11 #BibleStudy #ChristianSermons #CalvaryChapel #JesusIsOurRefuge

Psalm 33 – Worship While You Wait

A new year, the same God! In Psalm 33, we are invited to reflect on the greatness of God’s power and love and to respond with worship while we wait for Him to do what He wants to do.

Psalm 33

Gene Pensiero Jr


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Start your New Year with a powerful expository sermon on Psalm 33: Worship While You Work! This inspiring chapter of the Bible reminds us that though the year may be new, our God remains the same—faithful, powerful, and full of love. In Psalm 33, we are called to reflect on God’s greatness, His patience, His unmatched power, and His watchful care over our lives.

This sermon invites you to embrace the New Year with a heart of worship, trusting in God’s plans as you wait for Him to work in your life. Discover how Psalm 33 encourages us to respond to God’s grace with joyful praise, even in the midst of uncertainty. Whether you’re looking for encouragement, direction, or a fresh perspective on worship, this message is perfect for the start of a new season.

At Calvary Hanford, we’re dedicated to systematic Bible study and sharing God’s Word with clarity and depth. If you’re passionate about understanding the Bible, growing in your Christian faith, or learning how to worship while you work and wait, this video is for you.

🔔 Like, comment, and subscribe for more sermons, Bible studies, and Christian encouragement from Calvary Hanford!

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Ecclesiastes 12:9-14 – The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is God Himself

As Ecclesiastes comes to a close, the author gives us some closing remarks about the Teacher and a warning for us to fear God and obey.

Our text in this study is: Ecclesiastes 12:9-14
Series: The Pursuit
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Dive into the powerful conclusion of Ecclesiastes with this in-depth Bible study! In The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is God Himself (Ecclesiastes 12:9-14), we explore the final verses of this profound Old Testament book. Join us for an expository sermon that unpacks the Teacher’s closing thoughts on wisdom, purpose, and the ultimate call to fear God and obey His commandments.

This video is part of a complete series on Ecclesiastes, designed to guide Christians, seekers, and anyone looking for deeper meaning in life. Discover why the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and how living in obedience to God leads to a truly fulfilling life. Perfect for those interested in systematic Bible study, Christian sermons, or understanding the message of Ecclesiastes.

📖 What You’ll Learn:

The heavenly wisdom behind Ecclesiastes 12:9-14.
How to apply the Teacher’s final words to your life.
The importance of fearing God and keeping His commandments.

If you’re passionate about studying the Bible, seeking Christian teaching, or exploring life’s ultimate purpose, this video is for you. Subscribe to Calvary Hanford for more Bible studies, sermons, and insights into God’s Word! #BibleStudy #ChristianSermon #Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes 12:1-8 – Remember, Remember The Lord Your Creator

The Teacher urges us to remember our Creator before our youthful vitality is swallowed up by the ravages of age.

Our text in this study is: Ecclesiastes 12:1-8
Series: The Pursuit
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Dive into the profound wisdom of Ecclesiastes 12:1-8 in this powerful expository sermon, “Remember, Remember The Lord Your Creator.” The Teacher reminds us of life’s fleeting nature, urging us to cherish our Creator before youth fades and the inevitability of death arrives. This video explores the timeless truth that the only escape from death is through a personal relationship with the eternal God of the Bible, who offers the gift of everlasting life.

Whether you’re seeking to deepen your understanding of Scripture, searching for the meaning of life, or looking for a Calvary Chapel teaching, this sermon is perfect for you. Join us as we unpack the rich imagery and spiritual lessons in Ecclesiastes, providing hope, perspective, and direction for living a life anchored in God’s eternal promises.

This message is brought to you by Calvary Hanford, a Christian church committed to systematic Bible study and caring for our local community in Hanford, California. Be inspired, challenged, and encouraged to walk closer with your Creator through His Word.

Keywords: Bible study, Ecclesiastes 12:1-8, Christian sermon, meaning of life, eternal life, Calvary Hanford, Calvary Chapel, Old Testament, expository preaching, Christian faith, youth and aging, hope in God, salvation, Hanford church.

#solomon #ecclesiastes #wisdom #proverbs #futility #vanity #pensiero

Ecclesiastes 11:1-10 – The Sweet Life

The Teacher tells us to live with grit and diligence, despite the unknowable nature of this life. Doing so in the fear of God leads us to the good life.

Ecclesiastes 11:1-10
Series: The Pursuit
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Ecclesiastes 10:2-20 – Lose Your Fool

The Teacher shows us the path of the fool and the path of the wise, showing what happens when you take each one.

Ecclesiastes 10:2-20
Series: The Pursuit
Gene Pensiero Jr

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What Is Relational Theology?

What is relational sovereignty?

Christians wrestle with how to understand how God’s sovereignty works. On the one hand, the Bible clearly presents God as sovereign over all the universe. But, at the same time, it also presents God’s will and activity as being flexible and even acted upon by His creation.

We read the Bible and see that God could deliver His people from suffering, and sometimes He does, but much more often we are left to suffer in this life. How can we square that reality with the promise that God is a God of love?

Many Christians hold to a view of sovereignty commonly called “meticulous determinism,” or “meticulous providence.” But this view does not account for much of what we see in Scripture and it logically concludes with God being a monster Who makes sport of human beings.

A smaller number of Christians hold a view commonly called “open Theism,” where God is not actually sovereign.

Is there another way to understand what is revealed in Scripture but also squares with the problem of suffering?

Relational sovereignty offers the way.

Find the rest of this study in Ecclesiastes 9:11-10:1 at:

Look On The Blight Side (Ecclesiastes 9:11-10:1)

Full references can be found in the sermon notes.

References for quotes and points found in this excerpt are:

Roger Olsen – A Relational View Of God’s Sovereignty

A Relational View of God’s Sovereignty

Does the Open View Undermine God’s Sovereignty?

Does the Open View Undermine God’s Sovereignty?

Phil Noordmans – Relational Sovereignty: A View That Makes Room for Prayer

Ecclesiastes 9:11-10:1 – Look On The Blight Side

The Teacher honestly shares a major finding in his studies – that the world is a consistently unfair place. How does this reality square with our understanding of God’s sovereignty?

Ecclesiastes 9:11-10:1
Series: The Pursuit
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Ecclesiastes 8:16-9:10 – A Death Well Lived

Casanova was trying to live a life that could escape death. We are the dying who know we are going to live.

Ecclesiastes 8:16-9:10
Series: The Pursuit
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Ecclesiastes 8:1-15 – Death And Despots

The Teacher speaks about the importance of obeying the government even when government isn’t good.

Ecclesiastes 8:1-15
Series: The Pursuit
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Ecclesiastes 7:15-29 – One In A Thousand

The Teacher comes to the sad conclusion that only one in a thousand people live a life worth living. But know the secret of how we can become the one in a thousand.

Ecclesiastes 7:15-29
Series: The Pursuit
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Ecclesiastes 7:1-14 – Dead Serious

The Teacher challenges us to spend some time at funerals to make sure we’re properly valuing our lives.

Ecclesiastes 7:1-14
Series: The Pursuit
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Ecclesiastes 6:1-12 – Low On Life

The Teacher slips back into despondency as he realizes all his attempts to find happiness and meaning in life come up short.

Ecclesiastes 6:1-12
Series: The Pursuit
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Ecclesiastes 5:8-20 – Money For Nothing, Bliss For Free

The Teacher warns us about the negative consequences of a life lived in pursuit of wealth.

Ecclesiastes 5:8-20
Series: The Pursuit
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 – Tread Guard

The Teacher urges care and caution when we stand, speak, and make promises in God’s house.

Ecclesiastes 5:1-7
Series: The Pursuit
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Ecclesiastes 4:4-16 – Without Friends Like These, Who Needs Economies?

The Teacher considers how humans pursue wealth instead of relationships and how that leads to disaster personally and nationally.

Ecclesiastes 4:4-16
Series: The Pursuit
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Ecclesiastes 3:15-4:3 – Injustice Fatigue

The Teacher loses heart because of the pervasive injustice in the world.

Ecclesiastes 3:15-4:3
Series: The Pursuit
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 – Memento Dei

The Teacher reflects on the full spectrum of the human experience and concludes that the fear of God leads to a life worth living.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-15
Series: The Pursuit
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Ecclesiastes 2:12-26 – One Life To Leave

The Teacher grapples with the fact that death will rob him of all his life’s work one day.

After all his achievements, experiences, and greatness, the Teacher realizes that none of it will last forever, which drives him into a deep depression.

The only way out is a good theology.

Ecclesiastes 2:12-26
Series: The Pursuit
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 – Lifestyles Of The Rich And Restless

Everyone wants to live the good life. Is that such a bad thing?

The Teacher lived the good life to an extreme none of us can imagine. He had every pleasure imaginable and, in the end, he said it was all hevel – smoke that dissipated whenever he tried to grab it.

If living the good life doesn’t ultimately satisfy, what IS the meaning of life? How do we find the fulfillment we all want deep in our hearts?

Ecclesiastes 2:1-11
Series: The Pursuit
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Ecclesiastes 1:12-18 – Oh, A Wise Guy, Eh?

The Teacher invites us into his lab to show us his credentials and methodology and to give us the abstract of his research: Humans can’t figure out the meaning of life.

Ecclesiastes 1:12-18
Series: The Pursuit
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Ecclesiastes 1:2-11 – Stuck Everlasting

The Teacher reveals that humanity is stuck in a system that leaves us unfulfilled and forgotten.

Ecclesiastes 1:2-11
Series: The Pursuit
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Ecclesiastes 1:1-2 – The Pursuit

The author introduces us to the Teacher, who has some sharp words to share with us.

Ecclesiastes 1:1-2
Series: The Pursuit
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Psalm 111 – Working For His Weak Friends

The psalmist praises the good works of God and tells us why we should study them, which will lead to MORE praise!

Psalm 111:1-10

Gene Pensiero Jr

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Nahum 3:8-19 – The Death Of A Nation

Nineveh was going to fall, the Assyrian Empire would fall with it, and the king would be the last to know.

Nahum 3:8-19
Series: Death Of A Nation
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Nahum 3:1-7 – Why Woe, Why Woe? It’s Off To Filth We Go!

Nahum pronounces a woe over Nineveh and gives a list of crimes they were guilty of against God and man.

Nahum 3:1-7
Series: Death Of A Nation
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Nahum 2:11-13 – The Hunter Becomes The Hunted

Nahum describes Assyria as ferocious lions and God as the hunter who has come to eradicate them once and for all.

Nahum 2:11-13
Series: Death Of A Nation
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Nahum 2:1-10 – D&D&D

Nahum gives a brutal depiction of the fall of Nineveh and, when the smoke clears, what he sees is desolation, decimation, devastation.

Nahum 2:1-10
Series: Death Of A Nation
Gene Pensiero Jr

Find the rest of the series at

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Do Shepherds Break The Legs Of Their Wandering Sheep?

A famous sermon illustration says that shepherds will sometimes break the legs of a wandering sheep and carry it on his shoulders. Is this a true practice or have we misunderstood what actually happens?

Gene Pensiero Jr shares some thoughts on this issue in a study on Nahum 1:9-15.

Find many more Q&A’s and send in your own question at

Find dozens of podcasts and thousands of studies through the Bible at

Nahum 1:9-15 – I Go To Prepare A Grave For You

God speaks directly to Nineveh and Judah, assuring one of destruction and the other of deliverance.

Nahum 1:9-15
Series: Death Of A Nation
Gene Pensiero Jr

Find the rest of the series at

Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies through the Bible at

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Nahum 1:4-8 – You’re Gonna Need A Bigger Moat

Nahum describes the shocking and awesome power of God, Who melts mountains and dries seas on His way to judge the wicked people of earth. Meanwhile, the tender love for His people is equal to the strength of His wrath.

Nahum 1:4-8
Series: Death Of A Nation
Gene Pensiero Jr

Find the rest of the series at

Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies through the Bible at

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Nahum 1:1-3 – I Have Good News And Bad News And They’re Both The Same

At the height of its power, the Assyrian empire is told they are going to be judged and destroyed by God. This is bad news for them, but good news for Nahum, his people in Judah, and the rest of the world.

Nahum 1:1-3
Series: Death Of A Nation
Gene Pensiero Jr

Find the rest of the series at

Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies through the Bible at

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Jonah 3 – Take A Chance On Elohim​

Jonah gives the city of Nineveh a last chance, yes-or-no choice to live or die, leading to the greatest revival in history.

Jonah 3

Gene Pensiero Jr

Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies through the Bible at
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Psalm 14 – Everybody’s Fool

God looks down on every human and sees only evil foolishness. But, out of His grace, He makes a place for us to flee to Him for refuge.

Psalm 14

Gene Pensiero Jr

Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies through the Bible at
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Psalm 103 – How Do You Love Me? Let Me Count The Ways.

David encourages his soul to bless the Lord by reminding himself of God’s love, character, power, and dealings.

Psalm 103

Gene Pensiero Jr

Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies through the Bible at
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Ephesians 6:21-24 – Love Is Gracious, Love Don’t Die

Paul closes his letter to the Ephesians, urging them to keep love alive. What happened next? Did you know the church at Ephesus was the epicenter of at least 8 New Testament books and received ministry from Apollos, Paul, Timothy, John, and Onesimus?

Ephesians 6:21-24
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 6:18-20 – Training Pray

Paul teaches the Ephesians to pray at all times, for all the saints, and for him specifically.

Ephesians 6:18-20
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 6:10-17 – Fight In Shining Armor

Paul calls us to volunteer for the Lord’s army and suits us up for the battles ahead.

Ephesians 6:10-17
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 5:22-33 – Marriage Material

God created Christian marriage to show the world how Christ loves the Church. Toward that end, husbands and wives have wonderful but counter-cultural parts to play.

Ephesians 5:22-33
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 5:6-14 – Glow In The Dark

Christians are meant to glow in the dark, reflecting the pure light of Christ in a shadowy and corrupted world.

Ephesians 5:6-14
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 5:1-5 – The Imitation Aim

To walk worthy, Christians must imitate God and throw off the normalized sins of the culture around us.

Ephesians 5:1-5
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 4:25-32 – The Several Habits Of Highly Corrected People

After revealing many wonderful mysteries about salvation, Paul starts to give us practical ways to experience God’s power in our everyday lives.

Ephesians 4:25-32
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 4:17-24 – Who Are You Wearing?

Paul insists that we put on the new self, fashioned in the likeness of Christ, and no longer walk as the Gentiles do.

Ephesians 4:17-24
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 4:14-16 – Growing Up Godly

It’s time for God’s people to grow up individually and corporately.

Have you heard someone talk about deconstruction? Most often it refers to evangelical Christians getting rid of the truths they used to believe, getting rid of the church, and then redefining their faith, often in an individualistic sense and, usually, changing the ‘truths’ they believe to be more in step with the world’s culture.

Deconstruction is not God’s goal. Self centered, isolated Christianity is not God’s goal for you. His goal for me you and the person sitting next to you is unified growth, where individually and corporately we become more and more like the GodMan, Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 4:14-16
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 4:7-13 – He Thinks You’re God’s Gift To Mankind

Paul explains that not only has God gifted us, He gives us as a gift to His Church.

Ephesians 4:7-13
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 4:2-6 – Muscle Harmony

Humility, gentleness, and patience are the muscles of faith that make it possible to walk worthy of our calling.

Ephesians 4:2-6
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 3:14-21 – It’s All About Who You Know

Paul prays for every Christian to know more about something that surpasses knowledge.

Ephesians 3:14-21
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 3:8-13 – The Cosmologic Symphony Orchestra

God has a cosmic purpose for the Church, an eternal symphony of His wisdom and kindness that instructs angels, who long to look into what God is doing.

Ephesians 3:8-13
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 3:1-7 – Supernatural Man Of Mystery

Paul explains how God has given him the unique gift of revealing a mystery to the Gentiles.

Ephesians 3:1-7
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 2:19-22 – Body Building

God’s ongoing Church building project is described by Paul with the analogies of citizenship, being members of a household, and being stones in a growing building.

Ephesians 2:19-22
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 2:11-18 – We Go Together Like Blood And Peace

Jesus Christ brings all people together in an amazing society unlike any the world has ever seen.

Ephesians 2:11-18
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 2:6-10 – Stick To The Savior

As Paul wraps up his discussion of the gift of salvation we are encouraged to develop a sticky faith in our Lord.

Ephesians 2:6-10
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Have A Bible Question?

Hey there podcast listeners! We wanted to let you know that we recently started a short-form podcast using some of the live Q&A sessions we’ve hosted over the years. Episodes are just a few minutes long come out every Tuesday and they share our perspective on all sorts of Bible issues.

If that sounds interesting to you, you can find the podcast by searching for “Calvary Hanford questions” on whatever app you’re using to listen right now. Or you can visit and get direct links there, plus from that page, you’ll be able to submit questions of your own if you’d like us to answer them.

We hope you enjoy it. Now back to your regular podcast. Have a great day!

Ephesians 2:1-5 – The Walking Dead

If you’re not saved, you’re one of the walking dead, enslaved to the Devil, headed for destruction.

Ephesians 2:1-5
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 1:20-23 – Power To The People

Paul discusses how the immeasurable power of God has been given to God’s church to cooperate with Him in His plan to accomplish His will.

Ephesians 1:20-23
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 1:15-19 – But Wait, There’s More!

Paul tells the Ephesians what he prays about them and that even more blessings are associated with their salvation from God.

Ephesians 1:15-19
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 1:7-14 – The More You Know

Paul is convinced that the more we know about the richness of our inheritance in Christ, the stronger and wiser we will be as we serve God in this world.

Ephesians 1:7-14
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 1:3-6 – With Great Predestination Comes Great Responsibility

Paul opens his epistle with a song proclaiming the magnificence of God’s salvation and the responsibilities that result from it.

Ephesians 1:3-6
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Ephesians 1:1-2 – The Plan All Along

What was it like to be a Christian in Ephesus? Paul’s letter explains to us what Christianity is really all about.

Ephesians 1:1-2
Series: The Plan All Along
Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Acts 20:1 – The Short Goodbye

In Acts 20, Paul meets with the Ephesian disciples to encourage them and say goodbye before he leaves for Macedonia.

Gene Pensiero Jr.

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the New Testament book of Ephesians at

Find dozens of other Calvary Hanford podcasts at