Ruth 4 – Sandlelight Romance

Boaz took his courtship into court!

He was in love with Ruth, but his love could not disregard God’s law. God’s law made sure that a dead man’s family name did not die with him and that his property was not sold outside of his own tribe or clan. The law of the kinsman-redeemer is found in Leviticus Twenty-five, and the law governing the marriage of widows is found in Deuteronomy Twenty-five. Under these laws the closest living male blood relative had first responsibility to redeem a mortgaged estate and remarry the widow of his deceased brother. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Ruth 1 – Bread And Brides

God is romantic.

It might be more precise theologically to say that love is an attribute of God, and that God’s love is sometimes expressed in the form of romance. While more precise, it would be less passionate. Most books on theology, while precise, are not passionate. They mention love as an attribute of God, but entirely fail to discuss the romantic aspect of His love. Yet God Himself goes to great lengths to portray the romantic aspect of His love in the Bible. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)