Ezekiel 24:1-27 – Killing Her Shortly With His Word

God signifies the day that the final siege begins in Jerusalem by ending the life of Ezekiel’s wife.

Ezekiel 24:1-27
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver

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Join us for an in-depth expository Bible study of Ezekiel 24:1-27 – Killing Her Shortly With His Word, a powerful sermon exploring the 24th chapter of Ezekiel in the Old Testament. This video, delivered from a Calvary Chapel perspective, unpacks God’s prophetic message to Ezekiel, focusing on the fall of Jerusalem, the siege by King Nebuchadnezzar, and the personal cost of obedience to God’s will. For Christians, Bible study enthusiasts, and those intrigued by Bible prophecy, this teaching reveals how God’s commands—often a ‘voluntold’ calling—equip and example His people, even through trials like the death of Ezekiel’s wife and the destruction of the Temple.

In Ezekiel 24, we see God’s judgment unfold through a parable of a ruined pot, symbolizing Jerusalem’s fate, and the sudden loss of Ezekiel’s beloved wife as a sign to Israel. This study examines themes of obedience, divine equipping, and God’s faithfulness amid rebellion, connecting Old Testament prophecy to lessons for today’s Church. Keywords like voluntold, a blend of volunteer and told, highlight how God’s big asks—seen in Moses, Mary, Jonah, and Ezekiel—come with spiritual equipping and purpose, preparing believers for His plans.

Perfect for those searching for Bible study resources, sermons on Ezekiel, or insights into Christianity and prophecy, this video ties the historical siege of Jerusalem to God’s unchanging nature. Whether you’re exploring the Old Testament, seeking Calvary Chapel teachings, or studying the interplay of faith and judgment, this sermon offers rich scriptural depth. We’ll cover Ezekiel 24’s key verses, the significance of Jerusalem’s fall, and how God’s Word remains relevant for modern believers facing their own ‘voluntold’ moments.

Subscribe for more Bible study videos, expository sermons, and prophecy teachings rooted in Christianity. Are you ready to dive into Ezekiel’s message and discover how God equips His people? Keywords: Ezekiel 24, Bible study, Old Testament, Bible prophecy, sermons, Christianity, Calvary Chapel, Jerusalem siege, God’s judgment, voluntold, faith, obedience, Temple destruction, King Nebuchadnezzar, Christian teaching, spiritual equipping, end times signs.

Ezekiel 23:1-49 – Oho, Oho, A Harlot’s Life For Me

To expose the sin of Samaria & Jerusalem, the LORD tells a story of two unfaithful sisters, Oholah & Oholibah.

Ezekiel 23:1-49
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver

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Welcome to our chapter-by-chapter Bible study series on the Old Testament book of Ezekiel with “Ezekiel 23:1-49 – Oho, Oho, A Harlot’s Life For Me.” This expository sermon unpacks Ezekiel 23, an allegory of two unfaithful sisters, Oholah (Samaria) and Oholibah (Jerusalem), representing Israel and Judah’s spiritual idolatry. Perfect for Christians, Bible students, and those exploring spirituality, this Calvary Chapel-style teaching dives into God’s Word to reveal His intimate and incessant love amidst human unfaithfulness.

In this video, we explore how God portrays Samaria and Jerusalem as harlots, unfaithful to Him despite His covenant. Oholah, meaning “her own tabernacle,” and Oholibah, “My tabernacle is in her,” highlight the northern and southern kingdoms’ idolatry after Solomon’s reign—Samaria’s false worship and Jerusalem’s defiled Temple. Ezekiel’s vivid language, paraphrased here for clarity, shows their pursuit of Assyrian and Babylonian lovers, symbolizing alliances with pagan nations and idols. God’s response—judgment through conquest—reflects His holy jealousy and deep sorrow, emotions echoing Hosea 11:8 and Hebrews 4:15, where Jesus sympathizes with us.

This sermon organizes Ezekiel 23 into two points: God’s intimate love (verses 1-10), hurt by spiritual infidelity, and His incessant love (verses 11-49), persisting despite Judah’s worse rebellion. Keywords like idolatry, unfaithfulness, Assyrians, Babylonians, and Egypt connect to New Testament warnings (1 John 5:21, 1 Corinthians 10:14, Colossians 3:5), urging believers to flee idolatry today. We see God’s heart broken by sin, yet His sovereignty unshaken, culminating in Babylon’s 70-year captivity and Israel’s future restoration.

For those searching Bible prophecy, Christianity, or Old Testament studies, this video ties Ezekiel to broader themes—Israel’s 1948 rebirth, the Great Tribulation, and Christ’s return. Whether you’re a Calvary Chapel fan or seeking expository preaching, this teaching equips you to understand God’s emotions and apply His truth. How does spiritual unfaithfulness hurt God today? Reflect with us.

Subscribe for more Ezekiel sermons, Old Testament studies, and Christian teachings. Join our community of Bible learners exploring spirituality, prophecy, and God’s unchanging love. Share your insights below—let’s grow in faith together as we await Jesus’ return!

Ezekiel 22:1-31 – There’s A Gap For That

If a wall is your defense, better scrutinize it for gaps.

Ezekiel 22:1-31
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver

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Join us for a powerful expository Bible study on Ezekiel 22, where we uncover God’s message to Jerusalem about the gaps in their spiritual walls. In this Christian sermon, we explore how immorality, impurity, and injustice created openings that led to judgment—and how these same principles apply to our modern world.

Topics Covered in This Study:

The historical and prophetic significance of Ezekiel 22
How sin creates gaps in spiritual and societal foundations
What it means to “stand in the gap” before God
The role of false prophets, corrupt leaders, and unfaithful priests in Israel’s downfall
How the Bible connects Old Testament prophecy to modern issues

Why Watch This Video?
This teaching is for anyone interested in Bible prophecy, Old Testament studies, Christian theology, and spiritual growth. Whether you are part of Calvary Chapel, a Bible study group, or seeking deeper scriptural understanding, this verse-by-verse teaching will strengthen your faith and equip you to stand firm in God’s truth.

Key Bible Passages in Ezekiel 22:

Ezekiel 22:1-16 – How immorality creates spiritual gaps
Ezekiel 22:17-22 – The refining fire: God’s judgment and purification
Ezekiel 22:23-31 – The failure of leaders and the absence of righteous intercessors

Keywords to Help You Find This Video:
Ezekiel 22 sermon, Bible study on Ezekiel, stand in the gap, expository preaching, Old Testament prophecy, Bible prophecy teaching, Calvary Chapel Bible study, Christian sermon, verse by verse Bible study, end times prophecy, judgment in the Bible, prophetic warnings, biblical justice, spiritual warfare, Christian teaching, Ezekiel Bible study, Old Testament sermons

Watch now and see how Ezekiel 22 applies to our world today!

#BibleStudy #Ezekiel22 #StandInTheGap #ChristianSermon #BibleProphecy #ExpositoryPreaching #CalvaryChapel #OldTestament #EndTimes #ChristianTeaching #Judgment #SpiritualWarfare #BiblicalJustice #PropheticWarnings

Ezekiel 21:1-32 – The Sword In The Sigh

The Lord sighs with deep feeling as He draws His sword to bring judgment upon His people.

Ezekiel 21:1-32
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver

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Expository Bible Study & Sermon

In Ezekiel 21, we witness a sobering moment in Bible prophecy—God’s sword of judgment is drawn, yet His heart is heavy with sorrow. What does this chapter reveal about God’s justice, mercy, and the broken relationship between Him and His people?

In this expository sermon, we explore:
The prophetic meaning of God lending His sword to King Nebuchadnezzar
How divine judgment reflects God’s holiness and deep sorrow
How this text relates to the doctrines of impassability and relational sovereignty and Christian liberty.

The Book of Ezekiel is filled with visions, prophetic warnings, and future hope. This Old Testament prophecy holds incredible relevance today as we see God’s faithfulness in both discipline and restoration.

If you love deep Bible study, verse-by-verse teaching, and uncovering the prophetic layers of Scripture, this message is for you.

Subscribe for more Bible sermons, prophecy updates, and Christian teaching from Calvary Hanford!

#BibleStudy #Ezekiel #BibleProphecy #ChristianSermon #OldTestament #Prophecy #ExpositoryPreaching #EndTimes #JesusChrist #CalvaryHanford

Ezekiel 20:45-49 – I’ve Seen Fire & I’ve Seen Pain

The LORD describes His discipline of Judah and Jerusalem as a fire that will consume everything in its path.

Ezekiel was God’s 6th century prophet to the Judean Jews exiled in Babylon. A remarkable number of his prophecies were presented as silent theatrical dramas. When he did speak, Ezekiel frequently did so utilizing riddles, allegories, and metaphors. So much so that Ezekiel could say (in verse 49), “Ah, Lord GOD! They say of me, ‘Does he not speak parables?’ ”

Ezekiel describes the third and final siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonians as if it were a catastrophic forest fire.

Ezekiel 20:45-49
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver

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What happens when God’s judgment burns like an unquenchable fire? In Ezekiel 20:45-49, the prophet Ezekiel delivers a striking prophecy about the coming destruction of Judah and Jerusalem—a judgment as relentless as a raging forest fire. This expository sermon explores how Ezekiel, known for his dramatic prophetic acts, describes Babylon’s final siege in symbolic and poetic language, using parables, riddles, and allegories to convey God’s message.

In this Bible study, we cover:
The historical context of Babylon’s third and final siege of Jerusalem
How Ezekiel’s prophetic style used symbols and parables to reveal God’s will
The significance of God’s discipline and how it applies to us today
Why the people dismissed Ezekiel’s words as “just parables” (Ezekiel 20:49)

If you’re passionate about:
Verse-by-verse Bible teaching
Understanding Old Testament prophecy
Studying the Book of Ezekiel
Calvary Chapel-style expository preaching

Then this deep dive into Ezekiel 20 is for you! Like, comment, and subscribe for more Bible prophecy, Christian sermons, and verse-by-verse teachings from Calvary Hanford.

#Ezekiel #BibleStudy #CalvaryChapel #EndTimes #OldTestament #Prophecy #Christianity #Sermon #BiblicalTeaching #GodsJudgment #ExpositoryPreaching

Ezekiel 20:1-44 – National Inquirers: Idolatrous Minds Want To Know

The Elders of the nation of Judah come to inquire of the Lord, but they didn’t need a new message from God, they needed to obey what He had already revealed to them.

In our own lives, we may have experienced times when it seems as though God is not telling us what to do, where to go, and what to say. Likely He has already told us what we need to know.

Ezekiel 20:1-44
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver

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Are you searching for solid Bible teaching and verse-by-verse exposition? In this expository sermon on Ezekiel 20:1-44, we dive deep into God’s message to the elders of Judah, who sought answers but ignored what He had already revealed. How often do we do the same—seeking new direction when God has already spoken?

In this powerful Bible study, we explore:

Idolatry in Israel – Why Judah’s leaders refused to obey God’s Word.

The Sabbath – God’s sign of sanctification and their rejection of it.

God’s Mercy & Judgment – The balance of discipline and restoration.

Jesus, Our Confidence – How Christ finishes the work He starts in us!

If you’re looking for Christian sermons, Calvary Chapel teaching, or a deep dive into Ezekiel, this message is for you! Subscribe for more expository Bible studies, covering the Old Testament and New Testament, prophecy, and God’s plan for His people.

Watch now and grow in your faith!
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#BibleStudy #Ezekiel #CalvaryChapel #ChristianSermon #ExpositoryPreaching #OldTestament #Sabbath #Jesus #BiblicalTruth

Ezekiel 19:1-14 – Kings Of The Bungle

Two of Judah’s last kings are the subjects of a lament for their having ruled inappropriately.

Ezekiel 19:1-14
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver

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In Ezekiel 19:1-14 – Kings of the Bungle, we dive into an expository sermon on one of the most poignant laments in the Old Testament. In this chapter, God sings a funeral song for Judah and two of its last kings, lamenting their inappropriate leadership and failure to walk in His ways. What lessons can modern Christians learn from these ancient rulers?

This study is organized around two critical questions:
Is the Lord lamenting your portrayal of the lion?
Is the Lord lamenting your lack of fruit on the vine?

Discover how these questions challenge believers to live lives set apart from the world’s desires and methods, walking in step with God’s will. Ezekiel’s message resonates deeply today, urging us to reflect on our spiritual walk and bear fruit that glorifies the Lord.

If you’re passionate about Bible study, expository preaching, and learning how the Old Testament connects to your life today, this sermon is for you. Whether you’re exploring Christianity, studying Bible prophecy, or following Calvary Chapel teachings, don’t miss this in-depth look at Ezekiel 19.

Subscribe to Calvary Hanford for more Bible studies, sermons, and prophecy updates!

#BibleStudy #Ezekiel #ChristianSermon #CalvaryChapel #ExpositoryPreaching #OldTestament #Christianity #BibleProphecy #Faith

Ezekiel 18:1-32 – The Daddy Made Me Do It

The Lord tells the sixth century Jews that they are wrong in blaming their fathers for their predicament and should instead take personal responsibility.

Ezekiel 18:1-32
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Join us for an in-depth study of Ezekiel 18:1-32 – The Daddy Made Me Do It, an expository sermon through this powerful chapter in the Old Testament. Discover how God called the sixth-century Jews to stop blaming their fathers for their predicament and instead take personal responsibility for their actions. In this sermon, we explore the timeless truth that righteousness and wickedness are personal decisions, and each of us bears responsibility for our own choices.

The message is broken into two impactful sections:
1️⃣ Accept Your Responsibility & Walk Righteously
2️⃣ Admit Your Responsibility & Repent For Walking Wickedly

Through verse-by-verse teaching, we uncover how these principles apply to our lives today. Learn how to walk in righteousness, repent from sin, and experience God’s forgiveness and restoration.

This sermon is perfect for Bible students, Christians seeking to grow in their faith, and anyone interested in practical insights from the book of Ezekiel. Don’t miss this engaging Bible study from Calvary Hanford, your trusted source for clear, verse-by-verse teaching.

🔔 Subscribe for more sermons, Bible studies, and prophecy updates from Calvary Hanford.

Keywords: Ezekiel 18, Old Testament, Bible study, Calvary Chapel, Christian sermon, personal responsibility, repentance, righteousness, expository preaching, verse-by-verse teaching, Bible prophecy.

Ezekiel 17:1-24 – Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That, The Eagle You Picked Does Not Have Your Back

The LORD tells a captivating story in which He rescues an abandoned baby, raises her, marries her, only for her to betray Him and become a harlot.

Ezekiel 17:1-24
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Subscribe to our YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/calvaryhanford

Dive into Ezekiel 17 with this in-depth expository Bible study, uncovering the profound meaning behind God’s riddle to Judah. This sermon explores how the Lord uses a symbolic riddle involving two eagles—one representing Babylon and the other Egypt—to reveal Judah’s misplaced trust and spiritual rebellion. Learn why Babylon was God’s chosen instrument for disciplining His people and why Egypt always leads to spiritual ruin.

This teaching focuses on two key insights:

Babylon Is Not So Bad When The Lord Wants You Discipled There
Egypt Is Always Bad Because The Lord Delivered You From There

Perfect for anyone passionate about studying the Bible, understanding Old Testament prophecy, or growing in their faith. Whether you’re a seasoned student of Scripture, new to Bible study, or curious about how God’s Word applies today, this message offers rich insights into God’s character and plan for His people.

Join us at Calvary Hanford, part of the Calvary Chapel fellowship, as we dig into the Word verse by verse. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more Bible-based sermons and studies on prophecy, history, and faith.

#Ezekiel17 #BibleStudy #Christianity #BibleProphecy #CalvaryChapel #ExpositorySermon

Ezekiel 16:1-63 – You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby, But Harlot, Look At You Now

The LORD tells a captivating story in which He rescues an abandoned baby, raises her, marries her, only for her to betray Him and become a harlot.

Ezekiel 16:1-63
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Dive into the powerful and convicting message of Ezekiel 16 in this expository sermon, where God’s grace and mercy shine through even the harshest rebuke. In this chapter, God paints a vivid picture of His love for His people, despite their unfaithfulness and idolatry. It’s a story of rebellion, redemption, and the amazing grace that invites us to surrender and embrace the life God wants to graciously give us.

Are you wrestling with God’s plan for your life? Do you find yourself clinging to things that pull you away from Him? This sermon challenges us to examine our hearts, let go of our idols, and experience the transformation that comes from full surrender to God’s will.

Join us as we explore:

The historical and spiritual significance of Ezekiel 16:1-63.
How idolatry affects our relationship with God.
The unrelenting grace and love of God, even when we resist.

If you’re passionate about Bible study, seeking to grow in your faith, or longing to understand God’s Word more deeply, this sermon is for you.

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#Ezekiel16 #BibleStudy #ExpositorySermon #Christianity #GodsGrace #CalvaryChapel #BibleTeaching

Ezekiel 15:1-8 – Wildwood & Vine

Instead of bearing spiritual fruit in the LORD’s vineyard, the 6th century Jews chose to be wild vines in the forest.

Ezekiel 15:1-8
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Subscribe to our YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/calvaryhanford

What does it mean to bear spiritual fruit in God’s vineyard? In this expository sermon on Ezekiel 15:1-8, we explore the sobering imagery of the wild vine. The 6th-century Jews, called to abide in the Lord, chose to become unfruitful wildwood, destined for the fire. This powerful passage points us to Jesus’ words in John 15:5-6: “He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered.”

In this study, we’ll examine two key truths:
Your Yield Depends Upon Your Yielding
Your Burning Comes From Your Burdening

This message challenges us to reflect on our spiritual walk: Are we bearing fruit through abiding in Christ, or are we weighed down by worldly burdens, heading for judgment?

If you’re passionate about deep Bible study, understanding Old Testament prophecy, or uncovering connections to New Testament teachings, this sermon is for you. Perfect for those seeking Christian sermons, Calvary Chapel teachings, or insights into living a fruitful life in Christ.

Subscribe for weekly expository Bible studies, prophetic updates, and encouraging messages to grow your faith.

#Ezekiel #BibleStudy #ChristianSermon #AbideInChrist #CalvaryChapel

Ezekiel 14:12-23 – We Three Saints Of Righteousness Are

Not even a prayer team of Noah, Daniel & Job could stop God’s judgment on idolatrous Judah.

Ezekiel 14:12-23
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Dive into Ezekiel 14:12-23 with this in-depth expository sermon, “We Three Saints Of Righteousness Are.” In this powerful passage from the Old Testament, God declares that not even the intercession of Noah, Daniel, and Job could prevent His judgment on the idolatrous nation of Judah. What does this teach us about God’s righteousness, judgment, and the role of the believer today?

Join us as we explore two profound truths from this text:

Noah, Daniel, Job…and YOU Have Been Declared Righteous: Discover how faith in God brings the gift of righteousness to all who trust in Him.
Noah, Daniel, Job…and YOU Are To Display Righteousness: Learn how to live a life of obedience and stand as a light in a world of compromise.

This sermon is perfect for those who love Bible study, are seeking to deepen their understanding of Christianity, or are interested in the prophetic insights of the book of Ezekiel.

Subscribe to Calvary Hanford for weekly sermons, Bible prophecy updates, and verse-by-verse teaching that helps you grow in your walk with Christ.

#Ezekiel #BibleStudy #Christianity #OldTestament #NoahDanielJob #Sermon #CalvaryHanford #BibleTeaching #Prophecy

Ezekiel 14:1-11 – Please Seize Me, O Lord, So I’ll Please You

The LORD deems His judgments upon Judah as attempts to “seize them by their heart,” to lead them to “Repent!”

Ezekiel 14:1-11
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 13:1-23 – All We Are Saying Is Peace Is At Hand

False prophets convinced their fellow Jews that there would be peace in Jerusalem.

Ezekiel 13:1-23
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 12:1-28 – All My Bags Are Packed, I’m Ready To Go

Ezekiel packs his bags as a sign that Prince Zedekiah would seek to escape during the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem.

Ezekiel 12:1-28
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 11:1-25 – Total Exchange Of The Heart

The Lord shares His desire to give believers the permanent indwelling of God the Holy Spirit.

Ezekiel 11:1-25
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 10:1-22 – Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory Of The Leaving Of The Lord

After 400 years dwelling among His people, the glory of the LORD departs the Temple.

Ezekiel 10:1-22
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 9:1-11 – Inka Dinka Do You Have His Mark On You?

The righteous remnant of Jews are marked on their foreheads for safe keeping by a man with an ink horn.

Ezekiel 9:1-11
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at https://calvaryhanford.com/
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Ezekiel 8:1-18 – Dig Dug

The LORD tells Ezekiel to “dig into the wall” and when he dug into the wall, there was a door.

Ezekiel 8:1-18
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 7:1-27 – I Hear The Chain A-Comin’, Its Comin’ Means The End

Ezekiel dramatized his prophecy making a chain as a prop.

Ezekiel 7:1-27
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at https://calvaryhanford.com/
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Ezekiel 6:1-14 – Stamp! In The Name Of Love, Before They Break My Heart

The LORD tells Ezekiel to get the attention of the Jews by stamping his feet so He can tell them that their sin is breaking His heart.

Ezekiel 6:1-14
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at https://calvaryhanford.com/
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Ezekiel 5:1-17 – To Baldly Go Where No Prophet Has Gone Before

Ezekiel’s 431-day physical theater presentation of the inevitable third and final siege of Jerusalem ends with him shaving his hair and beard with a sword.

Ezekiel 5:1-17
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at https://calvaryhanford.com/
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Ezekiel 3:22-4:17 – Dung And Dumber

Ezekiel’s forward-looking ministry begins with him rendered dumb & cooking bread using feces for fuel.

Ezekiel 3:22-4:17
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at https://calvaryhanford.com/
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Ezekiel 3:1-21 – The Fantastic Forehead

The LORD readies Ezekiel for his ministry to hard-hearted Jews by “making his forehead strong… Like adamant stone.”

Ezekiel 3:1-21
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at https://calvaryhanford.com/
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Ezekiel 1:25-2:10 – Rebels, Rebels, Your Nation’s A Mess

The LORD describes Ezekiel’s audience as rebels.

Ezekiel 1:25-2:10
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 1:4-24 – Creature Features

The LORD speeds to Ezekiel in Babylon, riding on His throne-chariot, carried by four living creatures.

Ezekiel 1:4-24
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 1:1-3 – I Coulda Been A Kohanim

The destruction of Solomon’s Temple and the deportation of Jews to Babylon cancelled Ezekiel from serving as a kohanim in the Temple.

Ezekiel 1:1-3
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 44:1-31 – In My House, Where My Priests Serve, Where My Children Pray

We begin to get the order of service in the future Millennial Temple. The very fact that there is an order of service and that the believers have certain assignments is itself instructive. You see, whenever we get together, there is to be some order in our serving the Lord and serving one another. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Ezekiel 43:6-27 – The Word Bible Isn’t In The Bible

Sooner or later someone is going to tell you that the word “Trinity” is not found in the Bible. Thatʼs correct. A lot of words arenʼt found in the Bible. For example, the word “bible” is not found in the Bible, but we use it anyway to describe the Bible. Next time someone tells you that “Trinity” is not found in the Bible, tell them they are using a word to describe the Bible that isnʼt found in the Bible! (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Ezekiel 41:1-26 – Disregarders Of The Lost Ark

Ezekiel had missed an opportunity. At the start of our studies we noted that although Ezekiel was a priest, he was exiled to Babylon before he was of age to actually serve in the Temple at Jerusalem. To say it was a disappointment would be an understatement. But now, as his visions are concluding and his book is nearing its end, Ezekiel is getting a glimpse of the future Temple, the Millennial Temple. He saw it before any other Israelite, priest or otherwise. Not only that, he was guided on his tour by the Lord Himself. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Ezekiel 38.1-8 – Be In The Fight Place At The Right Time

Prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock says, “By far, the most controversial issue in Ezekiel 38-39 is the timing of the invasion. The specific time of the invasion in Ezekiel 38 is difficult to determine.” I should explain that we believe that this prophecy is literal and historical. In other words, it describes a real military campaign against Israel that happens sometime in human history. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Ezekiel 38:1-6 – Who Are Those Guys?

Weʼve come to the most quoted passage, the most referenced passage, in the Book of Ezekiel. Chapters thirty-eight and thirty-nine tell of a coming northern confederacy of nations around the Black and Caspian seas who with Persia and North Africa will invade the promised land after Israelʼs restoration to it in the last days. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Ezekiel 14:12-23 – Three Men And A Blight

It seems that the Jews of the sixth century held to a hero mentality. Daniel had been carried away into Babylon. By the time of our text he was twenty-five years old. Heʼd already distinguished himself as a righteous man. Though some of his greatest accomplishments were still ahead of him, he was a bona fide hero. Perhaps God would use Daniel in Babylon to deliver the Jews in Jerusalem from further destruction. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Ezekiel 13:1-16 – Don’t Get Plastered

The exiles in Babylon were encouraged they would soon be free to return to Israel. The people should have felt the foulness of their words. The false prophets and prophetesses spoke not a word against Israelʼs idolatry. It was foul of them to overlook sin, to ignore Godʼs moral law, and tell the people what they wanted to hear. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Ezekiel 12:17-28 – Waiting To Expunge

Ezekiel was quite the actor there on the banks of the river Chebar in Babylon. He had just finished a one-man, one-day engagement during which he dug a hole through the wall of his house and portrayed a man trying to escape for his life during a violent siege by an invading army. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Ezekiel 6:1-14 – Mountain Do’s And Don’ts

A family trip to the mountains is a common and wholesome occurrence here in the shadow of the beautiful Sierra range. It was common in sixth century Israel, too, but not wholesome. It was in the mountains, in the wilderness, that the Jews went to worship the gods of the Canaanites. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)