Luke 24:36-53 – 40 Days Of Jesus

Jesus suddenly popped-in while the disciples were gathered together. A week later He would appear like this again, suddenly through closed doors, and present Himself to these same men along with Thomas, who initially doubted that the Lord was alive. The emotional effect of these appearances is captured in a strangely beautiful phrase in verse forty-one, which says, they still did not believe for joy, and marveled. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Luke 24:13-35 – Road’s Scholars

Lovers sometimes take walks. They don’t do it to get somewhere. They do it to be with someone. The progress that they make is not measured in distance, but in devotion. They spend time getting to know one another, deepening in their love. Often they arrive at the same geographical location from which they started – but feeling very different about themselves, having made a romantic progress that puts everything in an entirely new perspective. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Luke 24:1-12 – Spice Girls

It should have been standing-room only outside of the tomb. Jesus told His followers more than once that He would be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again. The place to be was outside of that tomb, waiting for the Lord to appear. Instead, some disciples were preparing to head home to Emmaus; the apostles were in hiding; and the women were hopeless as they were preparing spices to finish anointing Jesus’ dead body. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Luke 23:26-43 – Cross Words Muzzled

Taking-up and bearing the Cross were vivid images in the first century. The Romans executed by crucifixion. Often a condemned person could be seen taking-up their cross and bearing it to the place of crucifixion. When Jesus used this imagery, His listeners and followers understood that the way they lived was to be noticeably different from the rest of the world. They should be seen and heard as if they were taking-up and bearing the cross in their daily lives. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Luke 22:54-62 – I’ve Fallen And I Can Get Up

The Christian life is sometimes compared to a walk with Jesus; sometimes to a long-distance race. It’s not going too far to compare it to a climb to the summit of a mountain. In any case, you don’t want to fall behind and lose sight of Jesus and become lost in some wilderness of sin. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Luke 22:39-46 – Blood, Sweat And Prayers

If you are a Christian, there are many temptations in the world. Some are in Sin Cities; but some are right here in your own city. Some are in your home, office, or school. It would be nice if they were clearly marked with signs that said, Now Entering Temptation – so you could recognize and resist them. Jesus spoke to His disciples about temptation almost as if it were a place on the map. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Luke 21:37-22:23 – The Lasting Supper

Leonardo da Vinci’s painting, The Last Supper, is for many Christians the clearest image they have of Jesus Christ’s last meal with his disciples. Though it is considered great art, da Vinci’s painting is bad history. All the details in da Vinci’s painting are inaccurate. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Luke 21:5-19 – Apocalypse Now And Then

The Jews were quite proud of the first century Temple in Jerusalem. It was a beautiful and magnificent structure. Herod had given it an extreme makeover. Jesus took a look at it and told them it was about to be destroyed – stone-by-stone. It started an incredible conversation about the future. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Luke 20:45-21:4 – Of Mites And Men

Jesus warned His first disciples, beware of the scribes… who devour widow’s houses. Jesus’ words would have seemed radical to those listening. The scribes were considered pillars of the community. The Lord was exposing them as parasites. They were like termites devouring the house of a poor widow. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Luke 20:20-26 – Image Is Everything

It’s not always easy to know where your loyalty to God draws a line you cannot cross. To help you in those times of deciding whether to obey the government or not, Jesus provided this principle: Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Luke 20:9-19 – Vintage Jesus

Of all the possible environments God could have created, He chose a garden. He didn’t choose a temple, for example, with rites and rituals. He chose a garden; and not just any garden. A perfect garden, that watered itself, where nothing ever died, where there were no weeds or pests or parasites. He didn’t want Adam and Eve to have to work, but only to walk with Him. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Luke 19:28-44 – Find The Missing Peace

We call it Palm Sunday and describe it as The Triumphal Entry. It’s the Sunday Jesus entered Jerusalem to the shouts of Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! It might be more accurate to call it Donkey Sunday, and describe it as The Tearful Entry. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Luke 19:11-27 – Mina Your Own Business

Is God a giver or a taker? I’ll give you a clue. This is what Job said about God: Job 1:21 …“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.” It sounds as though God is both a giver and a taker. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Luke 19:1-10 – Savin’ Safari

I can’t help but think of Zacchaeus as being treed! Even though he climbed the sycamore tree voluntarily, by the end of the story you get the idea that Jesus was hunting for him, hounding after him. After all, Jesus said of the episode, the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Luke 18:35-43 – Show Me The Mercy

If Jesus asked you, What do you want Me to do for you?, what would it be? Peace in the Middle East? The cure for cancer? An end to all ethnic prejudice? An end to poverty? Or would it be something more personal – a healing for yourself, or a loved one? It’s a pretty intense question, packed with a lot of responsibility and ramifications. How you answer it says a lot about who you are and what you value. You answer the question every time you pray. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)