Romans 10:14-21 – O Sinner, Where Art Thou?

God is evangelistic. From the beginning He has been revealing His salvation to the human race. Immediately after Adam and Eve sinned, God came to them in the Garden of Eden and offered them what Iraneaus, in the second century after Jesus, called the proto-evangel, meaning the ʻfirst Gospel.ʼ He was referring to Genesis 3:15. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Romans 11:25-32 – Apostle Paul: International Manifester Of Mysteries

The mystery here is the identification of the fullness of the Gentiles which was not a subject of revelation in the Old Testament. Paul seemed extremely concerned that Gentiles would “be wise in [their] own opinion” about God setting aside Israel and bringing the Gospel directly to the other nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues. Looking back over history, he was wise to be concerned as you see the prevalence in every generation of anti-semitism. There is no place for it in the church! (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Romans 12:2 – Make Up Your Mindset

When it says, “do not be conformed,” it means “stop being conformed.” It is a definite possibility that after youʼve been regenerated and have a new inner heart life you can still choose the values of this present evil age and go on being conformed by them. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Romans 12:14-21 – Avengers Don’t Resemble The Lord

Some have likened the church to a hospital for those needing help and healing. A new, popular name for churches utilizes the word “refuge,” which promotes the idea that the church is a spiritual shelter from pursuit, danger, or trouble. The church is those things, and more. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Romans 13:1-7 – Conscientious Subjectors

I want to tell you I have what I consider to be a control belief through which I approach the text. It is this. Christians all over the world, in every nation, hold a dual citizenship, but one citizenship takes priority over the other. We are citizens of Heaven first, then citizens of our nation, in our case the United States. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Romans 16:25-27 – Proestablishmentarianism

We talk about getting established in a home or in a business. We mean that there is a lot of work especially in the beginning but, afterwards, we can enjoy the benefits. Paul ends his letter to the Romans telling them God “is able to establish” them. Notice it is a work God does, not something you do. It’s like a father turning over his successful business to his son. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)