Prophecy Update #721 – Putin The Exorcist

When was the last time a conflict was described as a holy war, with Satanic influences, involving the antichrist and the end of the world? I’m not suggesting that Putin is the antichrist, or that the head of the Russian Orthodox Church is the false prophet. I am saying that the rhetoric coming out of Russia is not at all unusual in the prophetic light of the Book of the Revelation. We expect religion and politics to be in tandem during that awful time. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #721 – Putin The Exorcist

When was the last time a conflict was described as a holy war, with Satanic influences, involving the antichrist and the end of the world? I’m not suggesting that Putin is the antichrist, or that the head of the Russian Orthodox Church is the false prophet. I am saying that the rhetoric coming out of Russia is not at all unusual in the prophetic light of the Book of the Revelation. We expect religion and politics to be in tandem during that awful time. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)