Isaiah 48:1-22 – Rebel, Rebel, How Could You Know? Cyrus, I Love Him So.

The LORD makes the astonishing reveal that He loves King Cyrus of Persia who will set Israel free to return to and rebuild Jerusalem.

Isaiah 48:1-22
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at

Isaiah 48:1-22 – Rebel, Rebel, How Could You Know? Cyrus, I Love Him So.

The LORD makes the astonishing reveal that He loves King Cyrus of Persia who will set Israel free to return to and rebuild Jerusalem.

Isaiah 48:1-22
Series: The Millennium Forecast
Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of this whole series in the Old Testament book of Isaiah at