Ezekiel 14:1-11 – Please Seize Me, O Lord, So I’ll Please You

The LORD deems His judgments upon Judah as attempts to “seize them by their heart,” to lead them to “Repent!”

Ezekiel 14:1-11
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
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Ezekiel 14:1-11 – Please Seize Me, O Lord, So I’ll Please You

The LORD deems His judgments upon Judah as attempts to “seize them by their heart,” to lead them to “Repent!”

Ezekiel 14:1-11
Pastor Gene Pensiero
Series: Cry Me A River (Ezekiel)

Find the rest of this series at https://calvaryhanford.com/crymeariver
Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies at https://calvaryhanford.com/
Subscribe to our YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/calvaryhanford

Prophecy Update #808 – Debunking De-Banking

China’s social credit system is a nationwide program designed to monitor and influence individual and organizational behavior. It assigns scores…and consequences.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com/prophecy
Follow us on YouTube at https://youtube.com/calvaryhanford

Prophecy Update #808 – Debunking De-Banking

China’s social credit system is a nationwide program designed to monitor and influence individual and organizational behavior. It assigns scores…and consequences.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other prophecy updates at: https://calvaryhanford.com/prophecy
Follow us on YouTube at https://youtube.com/calvaryhanford