Prophecy Update #681 – Where Have All The Freedoms Gone?

Control over buying and selling involves control over pretty much everything. If the government wants to restrict your movements, they will. If they want to track you, they will. You get the idea. We are experiencing on a small scale what this kind of control will be full scale in the future. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #680 – Somebody’s Watchin’ You

The future is an intrusive surveillance state. Facial recognition, retinal scans, palm scans, and implanted chips are the tip of the technology iceberg that exist and are currently in use. Any of them could be used by government to restrict buying and selling, restrict travel, or pretty much anything else. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #676 – Our House Is A Very False House

We read about a Last Days global religious movement in the seventeenth chapter of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. It is referred to as “Babylon” because it is the final form of the religious rebellion at the Tower of Babel. We therefore expect movement towards a global religion, or at least an “ecumenical” movement, meaning all-inclusive, all-embracing, and universal. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #674 – The Punishers

The Book of the Revelation describes the antichrist having authoritarian control over his citizens. In the future Great Tribulation technology will access the global grid and determine a person’s level of participation in society. It will be possible to restrict purchases and participation. The technology is ready for this digital dictatorship. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #670 – The Shots Felt Around The World

COVID19 is not prophetic. However, the methods and mandates that are being utilized globally to combat it are predictive of the type of the socio-economic system that will play a significant role in the future government of the antichrist. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #668 – Mandate Or Manslaughter

Citizens in the future Great Tribulation will be mandated to participate in a system by which they must produce proof of compliance in order to be allowed to work or shop or dine or attend entertainment. Without proof, their livelihood and lifestyles will be restricted. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #666 – No App, No Access

Biometrics, Artificial Intelligence, cashless commerce, the manipulation of human DNA, global government, the exponential growth of human knowledge, and the rebirth of Israel as a nation are all areas we see corroborating the End Times prophecies of the Bible. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #663 – Vac La France!

Mandatory vaccination that requires proof for a person to travel, for employment, dining, entertainment, and anything else that a government deems necessary, sounds too much like the Last Days prediction that at some point everyone on Earth will be subjected to a contactless, cashless system of commerce involving a mark on your hand or forehead. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #662 – Knock, Knock, It’s The President

We have for many decades understood from Bible prophecy that the End Times would feature a cashless, contactless global system of economics. Something in or on a person’s hand or forehead will allow them to conduct all necessary business and commerce. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #658 – Think You’re Going Somewhere?

Biometrics, Artificial Intelligence, cashless commerce, the manipulation of human DNA, increased surveillance, global government, and the exponential growth of human knowledge are all areas we see corroborating the prophecies of the Bible. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #657 – Big Trouble In Civilian China

The Mark of the Beast is presented in the Revelation as a means by which the governments of the future will control every aspect of a person’s life. With this “mark” you will be able to participate in society. Without it you will be severely restricted or cut off entirely. Communist China is showing us what this looks like. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #652 – The Face That Launched A Thousand Apps

John predicted the mark of the beast over 2000 years ago at a time when soldiers were getting paid with salt. He saw technology we take for granted. Here are a few of the biometric advances that could easily fit John’s vision of the future. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #649 – I’ll Pass

The possibility of enslaving citizens by some sort of biometric “mark” is fast becoming reality. The technology exists, right now, for everyone to use their fingerprints, or their palm prints, or a vein scan, or a retinal scan, or a wearable device, or an implanted chip, to identify themselves, and conduct all their business. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #646 – You Just Watch Me

It would seem that the apostle John was shown how what we call biometrics would be used to surveil and control the lives of those under antichrist’s reign. You would expect that the nations of the world to be trending toward a surveillance state made possible by biometric. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #644 – The COVID-19 Accelerator

People ask, “Does COVID19 have anything to do with Bible prophecy?” My answer is, “No, not directly.” By that I mean it is not one of the plagues we read about in the Revelation. Indirectly, however, COVID19 has a lot to do with Bible prophecy in that it is accelerating several prominent end times predictions. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #640 – Hip, Hip, Whatever Happened To HIPAA?

Until recently, unless you lived in China, it has been hard to believe that such a thing like the mark of the beast could be forced upon a freedom-loving public. In just a few months, however, COVID19 has effectively changed that. Around the world, citizens are going to be forced to receive vaccinations or suffer consequences. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #639 – Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes

The Revelation of Jesus Christ seems to describe what commentators call a one-world government during the future Great Tribulation. You’d therefore expect a serious movement towards a more global governance to gain traction before the Tribulation.

Pastor Gene Pensiero

Prophecy Update #638 – I Got You Under My Skin

The Mark of the Beast. Believers and nonbelievers alike have some familiarity with it. It is something having to do with your hand or forehead that will allow you to identify yourself, and to conduct all of your business. Biblically, it seems to be a system in place globally before the Beast (the antichrist) declares himself to be God. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #637 – I’m Sorry, Dave. I’m Afraid I Can’t Do That.

There is a fantastic prophecy that, during the Great Tribulation, a person called “the false prophet” will construct an “image” of the world leader known as the Beast or the antichrist that will seemingly or actually come to life. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #636 – Build Back Better Worry

The final book of the Bible, the Revelation, predicts what the world will look like in the End Times – especially during the seven year Great Tribulation. The world will be under the rule of one government, one economic system, and one leader. A global, one-world order, is being openly pursued by many of the world’s most powerful men. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #635 – No Credit For You

China has developed what is called, “Social Credit.” It is a system that, quite literally, controls the participation of citizens in everyday purchases and activities. Each citizen is given a social credit score, with rewards for those who have a high rating and punishments for those with low scores. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #632 – Please Don’t Touch

Indirectly, the global response to COVID-19 does potentially have a prophetic impact. We’ve been pointing out for decades that, in the last days and then in the Great Tribulation, the world will be united in commerce. There will be some sort of digital and biometric technology by which everyone can be identified, and can conduct all their business. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #631 – Acceleration

Does COVID-19 have anything to do with Bible prophecy? Not directly; and by that I mean, it isn’t a pestilence from the Book of the Revelation. The things you read about in chapters 6-19, the Great Tribulation, are after the rapture of the church. Indirectly, the global response to the pandemic does potentially have a prophetic impact. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #629 – It’s Ultron With No Avengers

There is an intriguing passage in the Revelation about an idol, a guy we call the false prophet, and the Beast – another name of the antichrist. Apparently an image of the Beast is going to come to “life.” Could AI be part of this prophecy? (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #628 – This Is The Sick That Never Ends

COVID19 is not one of the end times pestilences. Those occur during the seven year Great Tribulation. We are not in the Great Tribulation, nor will the church ever be in it. God has promised to keep us from that day. What COVID19 is doing is catapulting us forward to a “new normal,” global society that will depend upon biometric technologies to identify, and in many ways control citizens. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #627 – Who Was That Masked Man?

The Bible predicts that one day the citizens of the world would be identified by, and conduct all their business by, something in or on their forehead or their hand. The prophecy seemed ridiculous for centuries. Not anymore. There are any number of biometric technologies fully developed that could be implemented globally pretty much overnight. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #624 – Tracking Stars

COVID19 is not a one of the pestilences we read about in the Bible. Those occur during the Great Tribulation. If it has a sinister, Satanic, spiritual purpose, it is that it is pushing the world population towards a global, digital biometric system. It is the kind of system futurists have been predicting since the apostle John wrote the Revelation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #621 – The Tais Have It

It’s not being a conspiracy theorist to see one scenario that calls for everyone in the world to be vaccinated, and to be able to prove their COVID-19 status digitally. Without proof of the vaccination, you could be barred from entering stores and other buildings. That is to say, you won’t be able to buy or sell anything. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #620 – V For Vaccine

Until recently, it was hard to believe that the global population would willingly give up their privacy in favor of an identification system like the one predicted in the Revelation. COVID-19 could be accelerating global acceptance of some sort of contactless digital ID. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #613 – Can’t Touch This

For decades futurists have talked about a way of transacting business, or of being identified, by the “mark” on the hand or forehead described in the Revelation. For a long time, it seemed impossible and ridiculous. But now, today, we know it as biometrics, and its implementation is happening. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #612 – Not Your Momma’s Blue Chip Stamps

In the yet future Great Tribulation, there comes a point at which the governments of the world, and the antichrist in particular, are able to control all buying and selling by consumers. It involves what is called a “mark” on the hand or forehead. Imagine how ridiculous that sounded through the many centuries following John’s vision of it in the Revelation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #611 – Cashing Out

In the yet future Great Tribulation, there comes a point at which the governments of the world, and the antichrist in particular, are able to control all buying and selling by consumers. Students of Bible prophecy have long argued that there will be a global, cashless economy. It once seemed farfetched; it doesn’t anymore. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #605 – Smart In The City

What do Smart Cities have to do with Bible prophecy? In the future Great Tribulation, the leader we most commonly call the antichrist will exercise totalitarian control over those who swear their allegiance to him. That kind of oversight will require something like Smart City surveillance. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #604 – Skin In The Game

One well-known prediction in the Revelation is that of people needing what is called a ‘mark’ on their hand or forehead. Without it, people cannot buy or sell anything, or conduct any business. Over the centuries, scoffers seemed to have the upper hand, so to speak. Today, however, it sounds exactly like biometrics. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Christmas 2019 – Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Disbelief

There are good reasons to believe that Charles Dickens had a particular Bible story in mind when he wrote A Christmas Carol. But not one that most people would in any way think of as representative, or even appropriate, for Christmas. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #595 – Buddy You Can’t Spare A Dime

In the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the apostle John predicted that during the Great Tribulation there would be a true global, cashless economy. Citizens will participate in it by buying and selling by means of some ‘mark’ on their hand or forehead. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #594 – Kiosk Krazy

The phrase ‘Smart City’ is something you’re going to hear more-and-more. Listen for it. Is this the Mark of the Beast? No, the Mark isn’t technology, it is swearing allegiance to him, worshiping him. But reading the Bible as we should, as futurists, these advances and invasions of privacy are exactly what was predicted. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #591 – Marked Men

For centuries, futurists were ridiculed for believing that the Mark of the Beast could be literal. No one could conceive of such a technology. Today, everyone understands that there are multiple technologies involving biometrics that could fulfill the two-thousand year old prophecy. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #546 – A Chip Off The ‘Ole Beast

Since the “mark of the beast” involves buying and selling, and is said to be on the hand or forehead, students of Bible prophecy have for many decades thought it would involve placing a microchip under the skin. Maybe; maybe not. But it is undeniable that people are becoming more comfortable with being chipped. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)