Mark 1:12-20 – The Sovereign Is Calling And I Must Go

Jesus faces the Devil in the wilderness then goes looking for disciples who He calls to follow after Him.

Our text in this study is: Mark 1:12-20
Series: Who Do You Say That He Is?
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Mark 1:12-20 – The Sovereign Is Calling And I Must Go | Expository Bible Study & Sermon

Join us for an in-depth expository Bible study through Mark 1:12-20, where we explore Jesus’ battle with Satan in the wilderness and His calling of the first disciples. In this powerful passage, we see how Jesus Christ did what no man—not Adam, not Moses, not Elijah—could do. He defeated temptation, stood victorious against the Devil, and now calls us to follow Him in faith, repentance, and discipleship.

What You’ll Learn in This Study:
How Jesus overcame Satan’s temptations (Mark 1:12-13)
Why Jesus’ victory matters for us today
The significance of His call to “Follow Me” (Mark 1:16-20)
What true discipleship means in the life of a believer

This verse-by-verse teaching is perfect for those looking for solid biblical teaching, deep Christian discipleship, and a greater understanding of God’s Word. Whether you’re studying the Bible for the first time, a devoted follower of Christ, or a student of Bible prophecy, this sermon will equip and encourage you!

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Mark 1:4-11 – Talking With A Man Down By The River

John the Baptist preaches to multitudes about the coming Messiah Who then shows up one day!

Our text in this study is: Mark 1:4-11
Series: Who Do You Say That He Is?
Gene Pensiero Jr

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Talking With A Man Down By The River (Mark 1:4-11) | Expository Bible Study & Sermon

What happens when a wild prophet in the wilderness proclaims the coming of the Messiah—and then, one day, the Messiah actually shows up? In Mark 1:4-11, we see John the Baptist preaching repentance and preparing the way for Jesus Christ, the Son of God. But Jesus isn’t just another teacher—He is God in the flesh, identifying with sinners and beginning His public ministry through baptism. Why does Jesus get baptized? What does this moment reveal about the Trinity? And what does it mean for our salvation today?

Join us for this in-depth Bible study through the Gospel of Mark as we explore the significance of John the Baptist, Jesus’ baptism, and the voice of God declaring, “You are My beloved Son.” This Christian sermon will help you understand the gospel, the identity of Christ, and how He came to take away our sins.

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Mark 1:1-3 – Who Do You Say That He Is?

Mark’s Gospel opens with some clear and history-changing declarations about Who Jesus is. But now that the Messiah has been revealed, what does it really mean to be His disciple?

Our text in this study is: Mark 1:1-3
Series: Who Do You Say That He Is?
Gene Pensiero Jr

Find the rest of the series at

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Find audio, video, and text of hundreds of other studies through the Bible at
Mark 1:1-3 – Who Do You Say That He Is? | Expository Sermon & Bible Study

What does the Gospel of Mark reveal about Jesus Christ? In this verse-by-verse Bible study, we dive deep into Mark 1:1-3, uncovering history-changing declarations about the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Mark’s Gospel is not just a biography—it’s a breaking news announcement that demands a response.

Join us for an in-depth expository sermon as we explore the significance of these opening verses. Who is Jesus? What does it mean to be His disciple? How does Mark’s Gospel establish Jesus’ identity as the Son of God?

This sermon is perfect for those seeking solid Bible teaching, in-depth Christian discipleship, and Calvary Chapel-style expositional preaching. If you’re looking for Christian sermons, Gospel of Mark Bible studies, or verse-by-verse teachings, this video is for you!

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Watch more in our Gospel of Mark series!

#BibleStudy #GospelOfMark #JesusChrist #ChristianSermon #VerseByVerse #CalvaryChapel #ExpositoryPreaching #Mark1 #WhoIsJesus #BibleTeaching