Jeremiah 52:31-34 – A True Hope
Jehoiachin receives astonishing mercy and not only freed from prison, but given a throne and a place at the king’s table. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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Jehoiachin receives astonishing mercy and not only freed from prison, but given a throne and a place at the king’s table. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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In the first 6 days of the Creation Week we see the place God set up which would become our home, office and temple. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The Revelation introduces the two men associated with the notorious number 666. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The Revelation introduces the two men associated with the notorious number 666. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Countries across the globe have begun announcing vaccine passports, allowing their citizens to use proof of vaccination from COVID19 to travel once again. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Countries across the globe have begun announcing vaccine passports, allowing their citizens to use proof of vaccination from COVID19 to travel once again. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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God begins His special revelation by showing us where everything in our universe came from and how He feels about it. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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With the great dragon in murderous pursuit, God gives Jews “two wings of a great eagle that they might fly into the wilderness to safety.” (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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With the great dragon in murderous pursuit, God gives Jews “two wings of a great eagle that they might fly into the wilderness to safety.” (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Facial recognition has become more popular and more accurate. It is one of the biometric technologies that could be utilized to take control over a society in the way described in the Revelation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Facial recognition has become more popular and more accurate. It is one of the biometric technologies that could be utilized to take control over a society in the way described in the Revelation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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John sees a sign illustrating God restraining Satan from preventing the birth of Jesus. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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John sees a sign illustrating God restraining Satan from preventing the birth of Jesus. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Biometrics, Artificial Intelligence, cashless commerce, the manipulation of human DNA, increased surveillance, global government, and the exponential growth of human knowledge are all areas we see corroborating the prophecies of the Bible. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Biometrics, Artificial Intelligence, cashless commerce, the manipulation of human DNA, increased surveillance, global government, and the exponential growth of human knowledge are all areas we see corroborating the prophecies of the Bible. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Looking at Jonathan’s life as Saul’s faithful son. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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In the Bible, the need for salvation is pictured as a thirst God wants to quench. He offers His living water at no cost to anyone who will come. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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In the Bible, the need for salvation is pictured as a thirst God wants to quench. He offers His living water at no cost to anyone who will come. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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At the sound of the Last Trumpet the world’s Kingdom has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Messiah, and He will rule forever and ever. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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At the sound of the Last Trumpet the world’s Kingdom has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Messiah, and He will rule forever and ever. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The Mark of the Beast is presented in the Revelation as a means by which the governments of the future will control every aspect of a person’s life. With this “mark” you will be able to participate in society. Without it you will be severely restricted or cut off entirely. Communist China is showing us what this looks like. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The Mark of the Beast is presented in the Revelation as a means by which the governments of the future will control every aspect of a person’s life. With this “mark” you will be able to participate in society. Without it you will be severely restricted or cut off entirely. Communist China is showing us what this looks like. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Looking at Jonathan’s life as a friend to David. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The inhabitants of Earth hate and want to kill God’s Two Witnesses but are themselves killed if they try. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The inhabitants of Earth hate and want to kill God’s Two Witnesses but are themselves killed if they try. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Looking at Jonathan’s life as a warrior. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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Before he continues to receive the Revelation John eats a little scroll that is bitter in his stomach. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Before he continues to receive the Revelation John eats a little scroll that is bitter in his stomach. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Does COVID-19 have anything to do with Bible prophecy? Not directly. Indirectly it has rapidly accelerated expected prophetic trends. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Does COVID-19 have anything to do with Bible prophecy? Not directly. Indirectly it has rapidly accelerated expected prophetic trends. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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In the final scene of Acts, Paul teaches a sermon to a group of assembled Jews about salvation, the coming of the Messiah and the establishment of His Kingdom. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The trumpet judgments are so horrific that men will desire to die but death will flee from them. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The trumpet judgments are so horrific that men will desire to die but death will flee from them. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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All indicators in the Book of the Revelation suggest there will be a global, cashless economy leading up to and during the seven-year Great Tribulation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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All indicators in the Book of the Revelation suggest there will be a global, cashless economy leading up to and during the seven-year Great Tribulation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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A moment of silence is observed in Heaven before the judgments of the seventh seal begin. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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A moment of silence is observed in Heaven before the judgments of the seventh seal begin. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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We have long pointed to implanted microchips as consistent with the prediction that in the Great Tribulation a “mark” on the hand will be necessary. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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We have long pointed to implanted microchips as consistent with the prediction that in the Great Tribulation a “mark” on the hand will be necessary. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Luke ends the incredible saga of Acts with some very routine, regular accounts of Paul’s time in Rome. How does that encourage those of us who are continuing the story of God’s work through His church? (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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God seals 144,000 Jews from the twelve tribes of Israel to preach the Gospel in the Great Tribulation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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God seals 144,000 Jews from the twelve tribes of Israel to preach the Gospel in the Great Tribulation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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In the days of Noah, human DNA was being manipulated by the Nephilim. Today, man is tampering with DNA in startling ways, including the creation of human-monkey chimeras. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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In the days of Noah, human DNA was being manipulated by the Nephilim. Today, man is tampering with DNA in startling ways, including the creation of human-monkey chimeras. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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God sends Paul and his friends to Malta, where Paul is bit by a snake. Should we become snake handlers? How do we live as servants in the will of God? (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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Jesus sets in motion the future Great Tribulation by opening the first six seals of the scroll. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Jesus sets in motion the future Great Tribulation by opening the first six seals of the scroll. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Samson destroys the Gaza gates and demonstrates the awesome power of God. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Jesus’ resurrection was an outright defeat of death. Do you believe in these things? (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Jesus’ resurrection was an outright defeat of death. Do you believe in these things? (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The Lamb of God takes the seven-sealed scroll from the right hand of God the Father. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The Lamb of God takes the seven-sealed scroll from the right hand of God the Father. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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John predicted the mark of the beast over 2000 years ago at a time when soldiers were getting paid with salt. He saw technology we take for granted. Here are a few of the biometric advances that could easily fit John’s vision of the future. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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John predicted the mark of the beast over 2000 years ago at a time when soldiers were getting paid with salt. He saw technology we take for granted. Here are a few of the biometric advances that could easily fit John’s vision of the future. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Brought along on a doomed crossing, Paul and his friends prove to be the most useful passengers on the ship. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The apostle Paul didn’t have the technology we have, but he was nevertheless able, with 100% accuracy, to project what you would ‘look’ like at the coming of Jesus Christ. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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You are not called to start or settle in a commune, but you are to have a strong sense of community. Christians are connected with one another and are expected to experience those connections in community with other Christians in a local church. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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I don’t know if the apostle Paul was a morning person or not… But in our text he argued that all Christians are morning people with regards to Bible prophecy. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The saints in Thessalonica lived in the daily anticipation of the rapture. They believed it was imminent – and by “imminent” I mean that it could happen at any moment.Then something happened they had not considered. A fellow believer died. Then another. Then some others. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Paul had taught the church in Thessalonica about the imminent coming of Jesus to rapture the church from earth to Heaven. By “imminent” we mean any-moment. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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I think it is fundamental that we decide once-and-for-all that the Christian life is a higher, better, life. We too often long for the lower-living we did in the world or that the world offers. God has something better for you. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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In our text, in First Thessalonians, the apostle Paul was anxiously awaiting a report from Timothy regarding the spiritual state of the church there Thessalonica. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The apostle Paul, who tells us to be anxious for nothing, had a moment of high anxiety over the situation in Thessalonica. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Our text would be a great monologue to describe the Tribulation Zone. Paul used several words to describe what you can expect as a Christian in this world. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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When Paul uses the illustration of the parent – whether the mother or the father – it is not to command authority over them or demand respect from them. It is the qualities of being a mother or a father that he applies to his ministry among believers. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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In our text, in verse four, Paul describes the Gospel as something that had been “entrusted” to he and his companions. From the particular word he chose, his readers would have understood that he was comparing himself to a steward – the chief servant in a great household. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The apostle Paul described the church of the Thessalonians in the last portion of chapter one. He said they were an “example” to other churches. This is how we should want to be described. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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If you are saved, it’s because you were chosen by God before the foundations of the earth. The sovereign God of creation foreknew you and He predestined you.All Christians believe what I just said. You have to believe it because it is what the Bible unequivocally teaches.Having said that, it must be admitted that there is wide disagreement on exactly how you were chosen and what God foreknew and when you were predestined. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Every chapter in Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians ends with a reminder that the Lord is coming. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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John sees twenty-five thrones being set in Heaven and is given further revelation about the End Times. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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John sees twenty-five thrones being set in Heaven and is given further revelation about the End Times. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The apostle John received the Revelation of Jesus Christ exiled on the Island of Patmos over 2000 years ago. He saw a future in which those in power would control every aspect of its citizens’ lives. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The apostle John received the Revelation of Jesus Christ exiled on the Island of Patmos over 2000 years ago. He saw a future in which those in power would control every aspect of its citizens’ lives. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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From the human perspective, Paul’s sea voyage to Rome seems like a huge waste of time. In reality, it is full of great spiritual benefit and opportunity. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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Jesus tells the church of the Laodiceans that He will vomit them out of His mouth unless they acquire from Him certain priceless spiritual resources. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Jesus tells the church of the Laodiceans that He will vomit them out of His mouth unless they acquire from Him certain priceless spiritual resources. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Today, the dreaded mark of the Beast sounds like things we read about every day. We are definitely trending towards secure biometrics. Palm vein scans, retinal scans, implanted chips, could qualify as hand & forehead marks. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Today, the dreaded mark of the Beast sounds like things we read about every day. We are definitely trending towards secure biometrics. Palm vein scans, retinal scans, implanted chips, could qualify as hand & forehead marks. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Paul shares his testimony, the Gospel of grace and the resurrection, prompting Festus to accuse him of being crazy. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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Jesus tells the Philadelphia faithful that He has the key to open the door that no one can shut. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Jesus tells the Philadelphia faithful that He has the key to open the door that no one can shut. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The possibility of enslaving citizens by some sort of biometric “mark” is fast becoming reality. The technology exists, right now, for everyone to use their fingerprints, or their palm prints, or a vein scan, or a retinal scan, or a wearable device, or an implanted chip, to identify themselves, and conduct all their business. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The possibility of enslaving citizens by some sort of biometric “mark” is fast becoming reality. The technology exists, right now, for everyone to use their fingerprints, or their palm prints, or a vein scan, or a retinal scan, or a wearable device, or an implanted chip, to identify themselves, and conduct all their business. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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We get an insider look into the talk and mindset of Festus and Herod Agrippa, two lost sinners who God was going to send Paul to evangelize. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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Jesus shocks the saints in Sardis by pronouncing them dead, then telling them what to do about it. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Jesus shocks the saints in Sardis by pronouncing them dead, then telling them what to do about it. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The dreaded Mark of the Beast is described in the thirteenth chapter of the Revelation. The possibility of controlling humanity by this “mark” is fast becoming reality. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The dreaded Mark of the Beast is described in the thirteenth chapter of the Revelation. The possibility of controlling humanity by this “mark” is fast becoming reality. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Jesus exposes a woman in the church in Thyatira who claims to be a prophetess but is more like a notorious witch and harlot from the Old Testament. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Jesus exposes a woman in the church in Thyatira who claims to be a prophetess but is more like a notorious witch and harlot from the Old Testament. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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In the Revelation we see an image of the Beast, and a prophecy that no one may buy or sell without his mark. How might this compare to the emerging social credit systems we see today? (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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In the Revelation we see an image of the Beast, and a prophecy that no one may buy or sell without his mark. How might this compare to the emerging social credit systems we see today? (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The chief priests want a favor, Festus wants to give it. Meanwhile, Paul gets to enjoy the much better favor of God. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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Jesus tells the believers in Pergamos that Satan is living in their city. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Jesus tells the believers in Pergamos that Satan is living in their city. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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It would seem that the apostle John was shown how what we call biometrics would be used to surveil and control the lives of those under antichrist’s reign. You would expect that the nations of the world to be trending toward a surveillance state made possible by biometric. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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It would seem that the apostle John was shown how what we call biometrics would be used to surveil and control the lives of those under antichrist’s reign. You would expect that the nations of the world to be trending toward a surveillance state made possible by biometric. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Felix and Drusilla have a private audience with Paul, but instead of turning to God for salvation decide to put off their decision and wait. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The believers in Smyrna are told that they will soon be crushed like fragrant myrrh for their testimony of Jesus Christ. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The believers in Smyrna are told that they will soon be crushed like fragrant myrrh for their testimony of Jesus Christ. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Reading Bible prophecy, you would expect DNA to be a huge topic in the End Times. Lo and behold, when we look around today, it is. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Reading Bible prophecy, you would expect DNA to be a huge topic in the End Times. Lo and behold, when we look around today, it is. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Paul squares off against Tertullus, a slick lawyer brought in to prosecute him. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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Paul shares a prayer for the Ephesians Christians, that they would know more of Jesus Christ and what that means for their lives as His people. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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Paul shares a prayer for the Ephesians Christians, that they would know more of Jesus Christ and what that means for their lives as His people. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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People ask, “Does COVID19 have anything to do with Bible prophecy?” My answer is, “No, not directly.” By that I mean it is not one of the plagues we read about in the Revelation. Indirectly, however, COVID19 has a lot to do with Bible prophecy in that it is accelerating several prominent end times predictions. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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People ask, “Does COVID19 have anything to do with Bible prophecy?” My answer is, “No, not directly.” By that I mean it is not one of the plagues we read about in the Revelation. Indirectly, however, COVID19 has a lot to do with Bible prophecy in that it is accelerating several prominent end times predictions. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Jesus tells the church at Ephesus that, despite all their works, they have left their first love for Him. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Jesus tells the church at Ephesus that, despite all their works, they have left their first love for Him. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Imagery in both the Book of Daniel and the Revelation leads us to believe that the End Times will feature a global government, and a global economy. But globalism is exactly what we are seeing on account of COVID19. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Imagery in both the Book of Daniel and the Revelation leads us to believe that the End Times will feature a global government, and a global economy. But globalism is exactly what we are seeing on account of COVID19. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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After Jesus makes a great promise to Paul, God works out amazing providence to protect him and deliver him toward the goal of preaching in Rome. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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When John sees Jesus in His glory, he falls down as dead. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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When John sees Jesus in His glory, he falls down as dead. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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We’ve suggested that Artificial Intelligence (AI) could power the Image of the Beast we see in the Revelation. That’s why I was excited to run across a transcript from a podcast featuring John Lennox. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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We’ve suggested that Artificial Intelligence (AI) could power the Image of the Beast we see in the Revelation. That’s why I was excited to run across a transcript from a podcast featuring John Lennox. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Paul finally stands before the Sanhedrin, but those in attendance have no interest in listening to his message of salvation. Instead, their anger against him and each other boils over. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The apostle John looks into the future and sees the Second Coming of Jesus “with clouds.” (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The apostle John looks into the future and sees the Second Coming of Jesus “with clouds.” (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The description we are given in the Bible of the future Great Tribulation suggests there will be what experts today call a “surveillance state.” Your habits, your movements, will all be known to the global government of the Tribulation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The description we are given in the Bible of the future Great Tribulation suggests there will be what experts today call a “surveillance state.” Your habits, your movements, will all be known to the global government of the Tribulation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Commander Lysias decides to have Paul scourged, but his plan backfires, showing us a picture of the Christian’s spiritual reality and the unbeliever’s unsuspected emergency. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The apostle John shares the Revelation of Jesus Christ that was given to him as a literal prophecy of mankind’s future. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The apostle John shares the Revelation of Jesus Christ that was given to him as a literal prophecy of mankind’s future. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Until recently, unless you lived in China, it has been hard to believe that such a thing like the mark of the beast could be forced upon a freedom-loving public. In just a few months, however, COVID19 has effectively changed that. Around the world, citizens are going to be forced to receive vaccinations or suffer consequences. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Until recently, unless you lived in China, it has been hard to believe that such a thing like the mark of the beast could be forced upon a freedom-loving public. In just a few months, however, COVID19 has effectively changed that. Around the world, citizens are going to be forced to receive vaccinations or suffer consequences. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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We may be earthen vessels, but we contain a great treasure that sustains us through even the worst of times.
2 Corinthians 4:7-12
Pastor Gene Pensiero
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We may be earthen vessels, but we contain a great treasure that sustains us through even the worst of times.
2 Corinthians 4:7-12
Pastor Gene Pensiero
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The Revelation of Jesus Christ seems to describe what commentators call a one-world government during the future Great Tribulation. You’d therefore expect a serious movement towards a more global governance to gain traction before the Tribulation.
Pastor Gene Pensiero
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The Revelation of Jesus Christ seems to describe what commentators call a one-world government during the future Great Tribulation. You’d therefore expect a serious movement towards a more global governance to gain traction before the Tribulation.
Pastor Gene Pensiero
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In Zechariah we see a vision of man’s wickedness, heaven’s dress code and how we can be saved by grace by a God who loves us. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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In Zechariah we see a vision of man’s wickedness, heaven’s dress code and how we can be saved by grace by a God who loves us. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Paul shares his origin story of how he started going God’s way rather than his own. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The instruments build and build and build to a crescendo of loud, clashing cymbals. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The instruments build and build and build to a crescendo of loud, clashing cymbals. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The Mark of the Beast. Believers and nonbelievers alike have some familiarity with it. It is something having to do with your hand or forehead that will allow you to identify yourself, and to conduct all of your business. Biblically, it seems to be a system in place globally before the Beast (the antichrist) declares himself to be God. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The Mark of the Beast. Believers and nonbelievers alike have some familiarity with it. It is something having to do with your hand or forehead that will allow you to identify yourself, and to conduct all of your business. Biblically, it seems to be a system in place globally before the Beast (the antichrist) declares himself to be God. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Paul endures injustice but shows composure, respect and compassion for his enemies. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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Don’t put your trust in princes who are mere men that die. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Don’t put your trust in princes who are mere men that die. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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There is a fantastic prophecy that, during the Great Tribulation, a person called “the false prophet” will construct an “image” of the world leader known as the Beast or the antichrist that will seemingly or actually come to life. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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There is a fantastic prophecy that, during the Great Tribulation, a person called “the false prophet” will construct an “image” of the world leader known as the Beast or the antichrist that will seemingly or actually come to life. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Paul arrives in Jerusalem and is subjected to a legalistic plan to win the approval of Law-loving believers. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The God of the Bible is compared with the gods of this world, showing that Jehovah is powerful, compassionate and trustworthy. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The God of the Bible is compared with the gods of this world, showing that Jehovah is powerful, compassionate and trustworthy. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The final book of the Bible, the Revelation, predicts what the world will look like in the End Times – especially during the seven year Great Tribulation. The world will be under the rule of one government, one economic system, and one leader. A global, one-world order, is being openly pursued by many of the world’s most powerful men. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The final book of the Bible, the Revelation, predicts what the world will look like in the End Times – especially during the seven year Great Tribulation. The world will be under the rule of one government, one economic system, and one leader. A global, one-world order, is being openly pursued by many of the world’s most powerful men. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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David recognized that the Lord was working to perfect him in the present and that He would complete the work in the future. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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David recognized that the Lord was working to perfect him in the present and that He would complete the work in the future. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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China has developed what is called, “Social Credit.” It is a system that, quite literally, controls the participation of citizens in everyday purchases and activities. Each citizen is given a social credit score, with rewards for those who have a high rating and punishments for those with low scores. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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China has developed what is called, “Social Credit.” It is a system that, quite literally, controls the participation of citizens in everyday purchases and activities. Each citizen is given a social credit score, with rewards for those who have a high rating and punishments for those with low scores. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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As Paul moves closer to Jerusalem at the urging of the Holy Spirit, the Christians around him break his heart by trying to convince him to prioritize his own safety and security. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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A group of the night shift workers are acknowledged for making sure there was always worship in the House of the Lord. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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A group of the night shift workers are acknowledged for making sure there was always worship in the House of the Lord. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Call it Globalization, or the One-World Government, or the New World Order – COVID19 has accelerated its progress, and made globalization desirable and possible. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Call it Globalization, or the One-World Government, or the New World Order – COVID19 has accelerated its progress, and made globalization desirable and possible. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Paul has a meeting with the elders of the church at Ephesus, testifying that he had carried out his duty and charging them to carry out theirs. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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David recalls the holy oil running down on Aaron’s beard when he was anointed as High Priest. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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David recalls the holy oil running down on Aaron’s beard when he was anointed as High Priest. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The Bible predicts a future in which the world is united in a cashless system of commerce. Thus you would expect the nations of the world to be moving towards cashless economies. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The Bible predicts a future in which the world is united in a cashless system of commerce. Thus you would expect the nations of the world to be moving towards cashless economies. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Paul and his friends make their way toward Jerusalem. Along the way, Eutychus falls out of a window and is restored to life. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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From creation to the end of all things we can give thanks to God for His unfailing love. (Gene Pensiero Jr.)
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From creation to the end of all things we can give thanks to God for His unfailing love. (Gene Pensiero Jr.)
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Solomon commemorates his father’s passion to return the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Solomon commemorates his father’s passion to return the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Indirectly, the global response to COVID-19 does potentially have a prophetic impact. We’ve been pointing out for decades that, in the last days and then in the Great Tribulation, the world will be united in commerce. There will be some sort of digital and biometric technology by which everyone can be identified, and can conduct all their business. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Indirectly, the global response to COVID-19 does potentially have a prophetic impact. We’ve been pointing out for decades that, in the last days and then in the Great Tribulation, the world will be united in commerce. There will be some sort of digital and biometric technology by which everyone can be identified, and can conduct all their business. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Just before Paul leaves town, a riot breaks out in Ephesus and he is restrained from going in to address the mob. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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David is calm and quiet, more like a weaned child than an anxious and worried nursing infant. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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David is calm and quiet, more like a weaned child than an anxious and worried nursing infant. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Does COVID-19 have anything to do with Bible prophecy? Not directly; and by that I mean, it isn’t a pestilence from the Book of the Revelation. The things you read about in chapters 6-19, the Great Tribulation, are after the rapture of the church. Indirectly, the global response to the pandemic does potentially have a prophetic impact. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Does COVID-19 have anything to do with Bible prophecy? Not directly; and by that I mean, it isn’t a pestilence from the Book of the Revelation. The things you read about in chapters 6-19, the Great Tribulation, are after the rapture of the church. Indirectly, the global response to the pandemic does potentially have a prophetic impact. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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We tend to want to feel God’s power in our lives or in our cities. Are Christians supposed to “unlock” that power? How can we experience the amazing work of God in our lives? (Gene Pensiero Jr.)
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From what he calls the depths, the psalmist cries out to the LORD trusting in His forgiveness. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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From what he calls the depths, the psalmist cries out to the LORD trusting in His forgiveness. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Amazon isn’t the Beast. Technology, by itself, isn’t the Mark of the Beast. But Amazon Go certainly uses your “hand” to “buy or sell.” That sounds similar to what the apostle John saw over 2000 years ago. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Amazon isn’t the Beast. Technology, by itself, isn’t the Mark of the Beast. But Amazon Go certainly uses your “hand” to “buy or sell.” That sounds similar to what the apostle John saw over 2000 years ago. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Being a Christian means understanding certain truths and experiencing the outpouring of God’s supernatural power. We see this reality at work in Paul’s ministry in Ephesus. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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David makes and emergency call to God for help but his primary concern is not for his own safety, but that he would remain spiritual and in harmony with the Lord. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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David makes and emergency call to God for help but his primary concern is not for his own safety, but that he would remain spiritual and in harmony with the Lord. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The psalmist asks Israel to remember when they were beaten so badly by their oppressors that it was as if furrows were being plowed into their backs. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The psalmist asks Israel to remember when they were beaten so badly by their oppressors that it was as if furrows were being plowed into their backs. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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There is an intriguing passage in the Revelation about an idol, a guy we call the false prophet, and the Beast – another name of the antichrist. Apparently an image of the Beast is going to come to “life.” Could AI be part of this prophecy? (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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There is an intriguing passage in the Revelation about an idol, a guy we call the false prophet, and the Beast – another name of the antichrist. Apparently an image of the Beast is going to come to “life.” Could AI be part of this prophecy? (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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As the light of the Gospel continues to spread, we see the birth of a new star in the darkness: Apollos. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The psalmist encourages everyone, starting with men, to fear the LORD and to walk in His ways. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The psalmist encourages everyone, starting with men, to fear the LORD and to walk in His ways. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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COVID19 is not one of the end times pestilences. Those occur during the seven year Great Tribulation. We are not in the Great Tribulation, nor will the church ever be in it. God has promised to keep us from that day. What COVID19 is doing is catapulting us forward to a “new normal,” global society that will depend upon biometric technologies to identify, and in many ways control citizens. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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COVID19 is not one of the end times pestilences. Those occur during the seven year Great Tribulation. We are not in the Great Tribulation, nor will the church ever be in it. God has promised to keep us from that day. What COVID19 is doing is catapulting us forward to a “new normal,” global society that will depend upon biometric technologies to identify, and in many ways control citizens. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Paul moves on to Corinth, which would become a major part of his story, but he enters the city alone, afraid and in deep discouragement. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The psalmist describes our efforts without the Lord’s leading and enabling as “eat[ing] the bread of sorrows.” (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The psalmist describes our efforts without the Lord’s leading and enabling as “eat[ing] the bread of sorrows.” (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The Bible predicts that one day the citizens of the world would be identified by, and conduct all their business by, something in or on their forehead or their hand. The prophecy seemed ridiculous for centuries. Not anymore. There are any number of biometric technologies fully developed that could be implemented globally pretty much overnight. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The Bible predicts that one day the citizens of the world would be identified by, and conduct all their business by, something in or on their forehead or their hand. The prophecy seemed ridiculous for centuries. Not anymore. There are any number of biometric technologies fully developed that could be implemented globally pretty much overnight. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Paul’s discussion on Mars Hill is one of the most memorable, but also one of the more relatable stories in the book of Acts. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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In this study, we learn about God’s amazing grace which solves the problem of sin and gives a universal opportunity for people everywhere to be saved. (Pastor Jacob Kelso)
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In this study, we learn about God’s amazing grace which solves the problem of sin and gives a universal opportunity for people everywhere to be saved. (Pastor Jacob Kelso)
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The Christians, from city to city, demonstrate quiet courage in the face of uncertainty, persecution and do so while constantly appealing to God’s word. (Assistant Pastor Geno)
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The psalmist reflects upon Israel’s tears of sorrow while in captivity and the subsequent joy of their release and return. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The psalmist reflects upon Israel’s tears of sorrow while in captivity and the subsequent joy of their release and return. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Futurists like ourselves have long predicted that in the days leading up to the Great Tribulation, commerce would go cashless. It’s happening. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Futurists like ourselves have long predicted that in the days leading up to the Great Tribulation, commerce would go cashless. It’s happening. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The psalmist describes God supernaturally surrounding His people the way the mountains are naturally around Jerusalem. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The psalmist describes God supernaturally surrounding His people the way the mountains are naturally around Jerusalem. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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If COVID-19 has a sinister, Satanic, spiritual purpose, it is that it is pushing the world population towards a global, digital biometric system. It is the kind of system futurists have been predicting since the apostle John wrote the Revelation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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If COVID-19 has a sinister, Satanic, spiritual purpose, it is that it is pushing the world population towards a global, digital biometric system. It is the kind of system futurists have been predicting since the apostle John wrote the Revelation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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In the early days of COVID19 forcing an end to in-person church gatherings, there was a rush to declare, “The church is not a building.” But the church IS a building. Not a stick-and-plaster one. A supernatural one. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The psalmist invites us to remember that the LORD is on our side. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The psalmist invites us to remember that the LORD is on our side. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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COVID19 is not a one of the pestilences we read about in the Bible. Those occur during the Great Tribulation. If it has a sinister, Satanic, spiritual purpose, it is that it is pushing the world population towards a global, digital biometric system. It is the kind of system futurists have been predicting since the apostle John wrote the Revelation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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COVID19 is not a one of the pestilences we read about in the Bible. Those occur during the Great Tribulation. If it has a sinister, Satanic, spiritual purpose, it is that it is pushing the world population towards a global, digital biometric system. It is the kind of system futurists have been predicting since the apostle John wrote the Revelation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Paul and Silas stay right where they are, 3 times, in this unusual miraculous jailbreak, leading to significant collateral deliverance. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The psalmist compares believers to a servant carefully beholding his or her master’s hand for subtle signals. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The psalmist compares believers to a servant carefully beholding his or her master’s hand for subtle signals. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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COVID19 is pushing the world population towards a global, digital biometric system. It is the kind of system futurists have been predicting since the apostle John wrote the Revelation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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COVID19 is pushing the world population towards a global, digital biometric system. It is the kind of system futurists have been predicting since the apostle John wrote the Revelation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Paul and company encounter a demon possessed girl and continue their gracious, Christ-centered ministry in Philippi. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The Psalmist has a message for all people everywhere about a life lived in Christ’s redemption as opposed to pursing the building of wealth. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The Psalmist has a message for all people everywhere about a life lived in Christ’s redemption as opposed to pursing the building of wealth. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The pilgrim arrives at Jerusalem and ascends the hill to the house of the LORD with a song about gladness and gratitude. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The pilgrim arrives at Jerusalem and ascends the hill to the house of the LORD with a song about gladness and gratitude. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Bible futurists have long understood that, in the Last Days and going into the Great Tribulation, there would be a global, cashless economic system by which everyone will conduct all their business. What do we see developing today? (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Bible futurists have long understood that, in the Last Days and going into the Great Tribulation, there would be a global, cashless economic system by which everyone will conduct all their business. What do we see developing today? (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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In this lesson on providence and prevenient grace, God forbids Paul from preaching in the north or south, but presses him west toward Greece and adds a 4th member to the team. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The writer of Psalm 121 is promised God’s protection now and forevermore. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The writer of Psalm 121 is promised God’s protection now and forevermore. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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It’s not being a conspiracy theorist to see one scenario that calls for everyone in the world to be vaccinated, and to be able to prove their COVID-19 status digitally. Without proof of the vaccination, you could be barred from entering stores and other buildings. That is to say, you won’t be able to buy or sell anything. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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It’s not being a conspiracy theorist to see one scenario that calls for everyone in the world to be vaccinated, and to be able to prove their COVID-19 status digitally. Without proof of the vaccination, you could be barred from entering stores and other buildings. That is to say, you won’t be able to buy or sell anything. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Paul brings Timothy onto his team but first this remarkable young man is told he must be circumcised. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The psalmist finds himself imperiled by liars and their lies. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The psalmist finds himself imperiled by liars and their lies. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Until recently, it was hard to believe that the global population would willingly give up their privacy in favor of an identification system like the one predicted in the Revelation. COVID-19 could be accelerating global acceptance of some sort of contactless digital ID. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Until recently, it was hard to believe that the global population would willingly give up their privacy in favor of an identification system like the one predicted in the Revelation. COVID-19 could be accelerating global acceptance of some sort of contactless digital ID. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Paul and Barnabas clash over bringing John Mark on their second missionary journey, leading to the breakup of their partnership (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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David gives a song for rebels, revealing the treason of their hearts and societies, but then proclaiming that the One true King is coming and they still have a chance to be saved from His wrath. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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David gives a song for rebels, revealing the treason of their hearts and societies, but then proclaiming that the One true King is coming and they still have a chance to be saved from His wrath. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The Jerusalem church sends a posse to help the hurting family of Christians in Gentile Syria, resolving once and for all that salvation is by grace, through faith (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The congregation of Israel participates in worship by singing antiphonally at their celebration of Passover. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The congregation of Israel participates in worship by singing antiphonally at their celebration of Passover. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Bible futurists have long understood that, in the Last Days and going into the Great Tribulation, there would be a global system, or systems, of personal identification by which everyone will conduct all their business. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Bible futurists have long understood that, in the Last Days and going into the Great Tribulation, there would be a global system, or systems, of personal identification by which everyone will conduct all their business. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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We are informed that when the Lord returns in His Second Coming, He will crush kings on the day of His wrath. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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We are informed that when the Lord returns in His Second Coming, He will crush kings on the day of His wrath. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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A rush to protect people from the global pandemic has led to an almost overnight abandonment of cash in our society. A trend you’d expect from reading about the end times in Revelation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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A rush to protect people from the global pandemic has led to an almost overnight abandonment of cash in our society. A trend you’d expect from reading about the end times in Revelation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The church has its first council in Jerusalem to decide the issue over whether Gentiles must obey the Mosaic law in order to truly be Christians or even be saved. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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We are introduced to supernatural beings called “gods,” who oppose God by exercising an evil influence upon human beings and our societies. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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We are introduced to supernatural beings called “gods,” who oppose God by exercising an evil influence upon human beings and our societies. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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How will the masses of humanity get on-board with invasive technology that all but eliminates privacy in the Tribulation? COVID might show the way. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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How will the masses of humanity get on-board with invasive technology that all but eliminates privacy in the Tribulation? COVID might show the way. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Instead of taking the short trip home, Paul turns around and goes back to revisit the places where he had been attacked and persecuted, but where young churches needed strengthening. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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The psalmist describes being thrown into a pit by fools who refuse to receive the Word of God. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The psalmist describes being thrown into a pit by fools who refuse to receive the Word of God. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Today we would say that the mechanism underlying the Mark of the Beast is some form of biometrics. We are now able to utilize hand or head in a variety of ways to ID ourselves, or to conduct business. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Today we would say that the mechanism underlying the Mark of the Beast is some form of biometrics. We are now able to utilize hand or head in a variety of ways to ID ourselves, or to conduct business. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Paul and Barnabas find themselves in the midst of crowds, mobs, turmoil and sometimes violent unrest, but maintain their grace and preaching of the Gospel. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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A song to celebrate the history of the Ark of the Covenant upon its arrival in Jerusalem. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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A song to celebrate the history of the Ark of the Covenant upon its arrival in Jerusalem. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Recent polls are showing a shift in the worldview of American Christians, which is exactly what you’d expect from a literal reading of Revelation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Recent polls are showing a shift in the worldview of American Christians, which is exactly what you’d expect from a literal reading of Revelation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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David cried, wishing he had wings like a dove so that he could fly away from trouble (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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David cried, wishing he had wings like a dove so that he could fly away from trouble (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The COVID crisis has led to many decisions that are all too reminiscent of the ominous prophecies in Revelation of an all-controlling, one world government (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The COVID crisis has led to many decisions that are all too reminiscent of the ominous prophecies in Revelation of an all-controlling, one world government (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Paul and Barnabas are met with opposition from members of the synagogue in Pisidian Antioch in a passage that teaches us about envy, election and how to fight the good fight for the Gospel. (Gene Pensiero Jr.)
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A Song of Ascents, sung by pilgrims on their way to the Temple in Jerusalem, remind us of God’s tender care for us and how He keeps us in every circumstance. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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A Song of Ascents, sung by pilgrims on their way to the Temple in Jerusalem, remind us of God’s tender care for us and how He keeps us in every circumstance. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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For decades futurists have talked about a way of transacting business, or of being identified, by the “mark” on the hand or forehead described in the Revelation. For a long time, it seemed impossible and ridiculous. But now, today, we know it as biometrics, and its implementation is happening. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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For decades futurists have talked about a way of transacting business, or of being identified, by the “mark” on the hand or forehead described in the Revelation. For a long time, it seemed impossible and ridiculous. But now, today, we know it as biometrics, and its implementation is happening. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Paul shares a sermon in Pisidian Antioch about the unending grace of God, even when met with human resistance and rebellion (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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Written for a royal wedding, this psalm three times emphasizes being glad. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Written for a royal wedding, this psalm three times emphasizes being glad. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Paul and Barnabas are launched into their first overseas missions trip at the specific leading of the Holy Spirit. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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David recalls a time in exile when he felt like a deer desperate with thirst. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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David recalls a time in exile when he felt like a deer desperate with thirst. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Herod Agrippa gives a speech and the people praise him as a god, causing an angel to strike down the impostor king, who serves as a type of Antichrist. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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King David’s frenemies and a close friend wish he would die from his sickness. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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King David’s frenemies and a close friend wish he would die from his sickness. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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A series of shocking events hit the church, with a new wave of persecution breaking out, threatening both the apostles and the rest of the believers. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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King David describes his life as if he was a playlist of songs through which people could see the Lord (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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King David describes his life as if he was a playlist of songs through which people could see the Lord (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The Gospel spreads to the city of Antioch and a new church is planted, as many people stream from all over the empire to become a part of this new work of God. (Gene Pensiero Jr.)
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The psalmist portrays his lifelong suffering as a palpable darkness. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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The psalmist portrays his lifelong suffering as a palpable darkness. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Peter returns to Jerusalem to face an impromptu court martial for crossing the great divide between Jews and Gentiles, giving us a lesson on handling division in the church. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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David dedicates a song to his fellow servant, Jeduthun, which proclaims the limitless power and unfailing mercy of God, who is a refuge for His people. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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David dedicates a song to his fellow servant, Jeduthun, which proclaims the limitless power and unfailing mercy of God, who is a refuge for His people. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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God’s mission is to send His people out, filled with the Spirit, bringing the Gospel to others near and far who need to hear about salvation in Jesus Christ. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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David believes that the Lord will be a shield and buckler against those who hate him. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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David believes that the Lord will be a shield and buckler against those who hate him. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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We are told that this is a Psalm of David when he pretended madness before Abimelech. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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We are told that this is a Psalm of David when he pretended madness before Abimelech. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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God works in the life of Peter to bring him out of legalism and into a greater experience of grace while also building a bridge to the Gentile world. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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David asks the Lord to deliver him speedily from his troubles. In this Psalm we learn that God is our “fort-rest.” (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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David asks the Lord to deliver him speedily from his troubles. In this Psalm we learn that God is our “fort-rest.” (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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In the yet future Great Tribulation, there comes a point at which the governments of the world, and the antichrist in particular, are able to control all buying and selling by consumers. It involves what is called a “mark” on the hand or forehead. Imagine how ridiculous that sounded through the many centuries following John’s vision of it in the Revelation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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In the yet future Great Tribulation, there comes a point at which the governments of the world, and the antichrist in particular, are able to control all buying and selling by consumers. It involves what is called a “mark” on the hand or forehead. Imagine how ridiculous that sounded through the many centuries following John’s vision of it in the Revelation. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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Cornelius is introduced as a man whose spiritual devotion is pleasing to God. (Gene Pensiero Jr)
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A Messianic psalm that looks forward to the gates of Jerusalem being lifted up at the return of King Jesus to His Holy Hill. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)
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