Prophecy Update #611 – Cashing Out

In the yet future Great Tribulation, there comes a point at which the governments of the world, and the antichrist in particular, are able to control all buying and selling by consumers. Students of Bible prophecy have long argued that there will be a global, cashless economy. It once seemed farfetched; it doesn’t anymore. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #611 – Cashing Out

In the yet future Great Tribulation, there comes a point at which the governments of the world, and the antichrist in particular, are able to control all buying and selling by consumers. Students of Bible prophecy have long argued that there will be a global, cashless economy. It once seemed farfetched; it doesn’t anymore. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #605 – Smart In The City

What do Smart Cities have to do with Bible prophecy? In the future Great Tribulation, the leader we most commonly call the antichrist will exercise totalitarian control over those who swear their allegiance to him. That kind of oversight will require something like Smart City surveillance. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #605 – Smart In The City

What do Smart Cities have to do with Bible prophecy? In the future Great Tribulation, the leader we most commonly call the antichrist will exercise totalitarian control over those who swear their allegiance to him. That kind of oversight will require something like Smart City surveillance. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #604 – Skin In The Game

One well-known prediction in the Revelation is that of people needing what is called a ‘mark’ on their hand or forehead. Without it, people cannot buy or sell anything, or conduct any business. Over the centuries, scoffers seemed to have the upper hand, so to speak. Today, however, it sounds exactly like biometrics. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #604 – Skin In The Game

One well-known prediction in the Revelation is that of people needing what is called a ‘mark’ on their hand or forehead. Without it, people cannot buy or sell anything, or conduct any business. Over the centuries, scoffers seemed to have the upper hand, so to speak. Today, however, it sounds exactly like biometrics. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Christmas 2019 – Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Disbelief

There are good reasons to believe that Charles Dickens had a particular Bible story in mind when he wrote A Christmas Carol. But not one that most people would in any way think of as representative, or even appropriate, for Christmas. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Christmas 2019 – Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Disbelief

There are good reasons to believe that Charles Dickens had a particular Bible story in mind when he wrote A Christmas Carol. But not one that most people would in any way think of as representative, or even appropriate, for Christmas. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #595 – Buddy You Can’t Spare A Dime

In the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the apostle John predicted that during the Great Tribulation there would be a true global, cashless economy. Citizens will participate in it by buying and selling by means of some ‘mark’ on their hand or forehead. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #595 – Buddy You Can’t Spare A Dime

In the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the apostle John predicted that during the Great Tribulation there would be a true global, cashless economy. Citizens will participate in it by buying and selling by means of some ‘mark’ on their hand or forehead. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #594 – Kiosk Krazy

The phrase ‘Smart City’ is something you’re going to hear more-and-more. Listen for it. Is this the Mark of the Beast? No, the Mark isn’t technology, it is swearing allegiance to him, worshiping him. But reading the Bible as we should, as futurists, these advances and invasions of privacy are exactly what was predicted. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #594 – Kiosk Krazy

The phrase ‘Smart City’ is something you’re going to hear more-and-more. Listen for it. Is this the Mark of the Beast? No, the Mark isn’t technology, it is swearing allegiance to him, worshiping him. But reading the Bible as we should, as futurists, these advances and invasions of privacy are exactly what was predicted. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #591 – Marked Men

For centuries, futurists were ridiculed for believing that the Mark of the Beast could be literal. No one could conceive of such a technology. Today, everyone understands that there are multiple technologies involving biometrics that could fulfill the two-thousand year old prophecy. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Prophecy Update #591 – Marked Men

For centuries, futurists were ridiculed for believing that the Mark of the Beast could be literal. No one could conceive of such a technology. Today, everyone understands that there are multiple technologies involving biometrics that could fulfill the two-thousand year old prophecy. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Ezekiel 44:1-31 – In My House, Where My Priests Serve, Where My Children Pray

We begin to get the order of service in the future Millennial Temple. The very fact that there is an order of service and that the believers have certain assignments is itself instructive. You see, whenever we get together, there is to be some order in our serving the Lord and serving one another. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Ezekiel 43:6-27 – The Word Bible Isn’t In The Bible

Sooner or later someone is going to tell you that the word “Trinity” is not found in the Bible. Thatʼs correct. A lot of words arenʼt found in the Bible. For example, the word “bible” is not found in the Bible, but we use it anyway to describe the Bible. Next time someone tells you that “Trinity” is not found in the Bible, tell them they are using a word to describe the Bible that isnʼt found in the Bible! (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Ezekiel 41:1-26 – Disregarders Of The Lost Ark

Ezekiel had missed an opportunity. At the start of our studies we noted that although Ezekiel was a priest, he was exiled to Babylon before he was of age to actually serve in the Temple at Jerusalem. To say it was a disappointment would be an understatement. But now, as his visions are concluding and his book is nearing its end, Ezekiel is getting a glimpse of the future Temple, the Millennial Temple. He saw it before any other Israelite, priest or otherwise. Not only that, he was guided on his tour by the Lord Himself. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Ezekiel 38.1-8 – Be In The Fight Place At The Right Time

Prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock says, “By far, the most controversial issue in Ezekiel 38-39 is the timing of the invasion. The specific time of the invasion in Ezekiel 38 is difficult to determine.” I should explain that we believe that this prophecy is literal and historical. In other words, it describes a real military campaign against Israel that happens sometime in human history. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Ezekiel 38:1-6 – Who Are Those Guys?

Weʼve come to the most quoted passage, the most referenced passage, in the Book of Ezekiel. Chapters thirty-eight and thirty-nine tell of a coming northern confederacy of nations around the Black and Caspian seas who with Persia and North Africa will invade the promised land after Israelʼs restoration to it in the last days. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Ezekiel 14:12-23 – Three Men And A Blight

It seems that the Jews of the sixth century held to a hero mentality. Daniel had been carried away into Babylon. By the time of our text he was twenty-five years old. Heʼd already distinguished himself as a righteous man. Though some of his greatest accomplishments were still ahead of him, he was a bona fide hero. Perhaps God would use Daniel in Babylon to deliver the Jews in Jerusalem from further destruction. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Ezekiel 13:1-16 – Don’t Get Plastered

The exiles in Babylon were encouraged they would soon be free to return to Israel. The people should have felt the foulness of their words. The false prophets and prophetesses spoke not a word against Israelʼs idolatry. It was foul of them to overlook sin, to ignore Godʼs moral law, and tell the people what they wanted to hear. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Ezekiel 12:17-28 – Waiting To Expunge

Ezekiel was quite the actor there on the banks of the river Chebar in Babylon. He had just finished a one-man, one-day engagement during which he dug a hole through the wall of his house and portrayed a man trying to escape for his life during a violent siege by an invading army. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)

Ezekiel 6:1-14 – Mountain Do’s And Don’ts

A family trip to the mountains is a common and wholesome occurrence here in the shadow of the beautiful Sierra range. It was common in sixth century Israel, too, but not wholesome. It was in the mountains, in the wilderness, that the Jews went to worship the gods of the Canaanites. (Pastor Gene Pensiero)